cutiepie51 blogs

The 30th?
He and I have known each other forever...well since college. He was my first. He was my reason for being here on yuvutu. I still can't understand why he treats me the way he does. But it was always so easy for him to just throw me away and bring me back in when it pleased him. He was always my weakness. 

An occasional glimpse on cam and very few words said to each other over the last 6 Years. Some kind, some not so kind. I don't know what his game is/was, except that it is/was cruel. My game? Well, I'll get back to that later. 

A recent rare meeting in the chatroom, he tells me he's going to be in Town on The 30th. Was I ready for some hair pulling? I replied something like "Call me, maybe?" A week goes by, I get a message from him "30th? I will get there around 1000am". I write back "You will get where and for how long?" Days later he replies "Your place...maybe overnight if you are good". I send 2 more messages after that, but he doesn't reply to either. Do I want to see him? Does he deserve the privilege of having me again after I'd finally gotten over him? Will seeing him and hearing his voice bring back my weakness? Can I just fuck him for the sake of fucking his 8" dick void of any feelings? These were the questions floating around in my head. I'm not even sure I would enjoy fucking him like I used to considering all the built-up resentment, bitterness and emotional pain he's caused me over the 35 + years. 

So The 30th arrives and I wait, wondering if he will show up or not. Tank and I go with NOT but every so often HOPE that he will show up creeps in. 10am comes and goes. "Maybe he meant 10pm?" Tank says. I keep myself busy...a mani/pedi, shaved pussy, charged vibes, pull out my favorite toys. Finally 10pm arrives. He doesn't. At this point, I'm not sure if I'm disappointed or relieved. I have learned from experience not to expect anything from him, because expectation = disappointment. And surprisingly, I'm not really disappointed at all, just annoyed at myself for taking the bait and feeling the fool yet again. Yep! He's still the same asshole. I close my eyes and try to sleep. A restless sleep, but I wake up with a feeling of relief. 
A couple weeks have gone by and I have not heard from him. No email, no phone call, no explanation, no apology. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! He was the beginning, and this non-event marks, quite possibly the end of my yuvu experience. Although, I can't really blame it all on him. There were others who contributed. I've had a wonderful run here throughout the years, with only a handful of regrets. 

Oh yea, So what was Cutie's game? Well, I guess it was to prove something to myself and I've accomplished that. The need I had and my reasons for camming no longer exist. 

Flashback: To Cutie and Yuvu???

If you take the time to read it, you can see how appreciative I was and still am for my yuvu experience.  I've had the ability to enter into situations I'd never thought possible for me, it's helped me to believe In myself as a sexy woman, even for guys half my age, and it gave me the confidence to go way out of my comfort zone on so many levels...some of which I've shared in my other blogs. And for these things and many more, I will always be grateful. 
juanita207: Thursday Afternoon With Cutie, The VERY DELAYED Part 4
 For the continuation of my meet up with Juanita last year...visit Juanita207 at
Cutie Meets Paul...Again
Paul was back in town, and although he was extremely bogged down with work related meetings, he managed a two hour window to take me out for drinks before his business dinner. I wasn't prepared for the meet because he originally told me he'd have no time, so When he texted me this morning I was thrilled that we were going to see each other again, but mad at myself for not having worn a sexy outfit to work. I thought about it all day, but knew that this time around would be nothing more than two friends who hadn't seen each other in a long time getting together for conversation. If you recall from a prior blog, Paul was the recipient...or should I say, I was the recipient...of Paul's cum in my mouth after a breakfast blow job in a NYC restaurant bathroom.

I was expecting to hear from Paul around 5pm after work, but since I hadn't, I decided to walk over to the conference center he was at, which was only a 2 block walk from my office. I thought I'd surprise him so I waited in the lobby for a little while. I was getting impatient indoors so I stepped outside and while texting a friend, I saw two very nicely dressed gentlemen heading my way. I knew instantly one of them was Paul. He looked at me and I Cutie smiled at him knowing he could not acknowledge my presence. I wondered what he was thinking but he managed to keep a straight face. I was thinking how yummy great he looked. I watched them pass me by and watched as they said goodbye to each other. Then Paul walked in the opposite direction as his business associate. I followed close behind and waited for him to look my way again. When the coast was clear, we headed towards the restaurant/bar I picked out.

I'm so comfortable around Paul despite our 26 year age difference. I couldn't help but feel like a real cougar sitting with him and wondering what others would be thinking if they looked over at us. Conversation was easy as we talked about everything both personal and naughty. We thought about going back to his hotel, but it was far out of my way and there just wasn't enough time to do what I'd want to do with him. I told him I didn't want our first fuck to be rushed and he agreed, although I'm sure he was up for a quicky lol Time was up and we walked to the subway together. We passed an open stairwell heading down and he looked at me and said he'd be open to make out down there. I said OK Me too, and we both backtracked our way to the stairs. We stood there and shared a very very very nice kiss. We stole some more kisses on the street, and then the subway platform, and then a sweet kiss goodbye. He went off to his business dinner and I went back home to Tank...and of course, told him EVERYTHING. Now I can't wait for Paul to return so we can live out some mutual fantasies.

I guess my story will continue then.......

Cutie and Paul - Together Again

Paul and I met on yuvu several years ago. He was in his 20s and me in my 50s. Even with the age difference, we became fast friends. He's a super great guy, fun and easy to talk with. At that time, he lived in NYC and we had the time to chat more often. But he moved to another time zone a couple years ago, and we didn't get to chat as often. But he'd always let me know he was thinking of me and when he'd be back in town. 

The first time Paul and I met, we chatted over bagels and coffee before work. The second time, it was breakfast and a blow job before work (see my blog "A cougar finds her prey"). The third time, we only had time for drinks (see my blog "Cutie meets Paul again"). We knew if we had the opportunity to meet up again, there would be more...much much more. 
Well that time had now come. It was his last night in town, and although I really wanted to meet up with Paul again, my son and daughter-in-law had just had their first ***** the night before. I was exhausted from a very hectic couple of days. Tank said I should meet him anyways because we didn't know if the opportunity would come again. So I did. Destination - his hotel room after work. 

I left my office long before he was done for the day so he called the hotel to give me a key to his room. He used my real first name but gave them a phony last name. I had a strong feeling that they would ask for identification (which they did) so I quickly told them it was my maiden name. It worked! I take the elevator up to the 15th floor. So, here I am, alone in his room. What would I do while waiting for him to arrive? I sent him a text that went like this - "Would you like me dressed or naked in your bed?" He replied "why don't I get asked this question more often!? How about partially?" I let out a laugh. And then, I texted Juanita! She was like "run a bath, be in the tub." Great suggestion, but there was only a shower. Maybe that shower would come in handy later on? But in the meantime, what was I going to do with myself while waiting on Paul to arrive?
I was wearing a tight, colorful striped dress. I removed my panties, pulled out my phone, took a selfie on his bed and texted it to him. I figured he would look at it in the taxi on his way to the hotel and get even more excited about seeing me again.

Finally, I heard the key in the door and he walked in. He was very well dressed in slacks and a starched white shirt...very business-like. He looked great! I walked toward him and we both went in for a hug and kiss. I admit I can't remember every detail, but one thing led to another and there was more kissing....on my lips, neck, and shoulders. I liked the feel of his lips on my skin, even with his short beard. A warm feeling came over me. I wasn't feeling that shyness I usually feel when I meet a guy. I had no problem looking into his eyes and enjoyed the look on his face when he looked at and touched me. We moved towards the king sized bed and I started to unbutton his shirt. Then I opened his belt and removed it from his slacks. I left it on the bed and jokingly said, "maybe we can find a use for it later." Next thing I know, we are both naked on the bed. 


Cutie and Juanita

 Please visit Juanita207's blog posts about our cam date:

Cutie and Juanita - Part 1

Nita and I have been online friends for many years. I can't remember exactly how we came to be such good friends, but to have an online girlfriend (not in the sexual way) is something I cherish because I can't share my online persona with any of my "real life" friends. Nita and I met briefly last year. She is smart, funny, cool and sexy...traits I always admired, and still do. Recently Nita let me know that she was coming back my way and we planned to meet up to spend some time doing what we both have the best fun doing together - CAMMING.

Both of us were excited and made sure to announce to the Chatroom that Cutie and Nita would be on cam together. Guys in the Chatroom were asking us what we were going to do together. Most of the banter was in jest, but as the day approached, I started thinking about what I would do, what we would do...if anything. Nita and I hadn't even discussed between ourselves what would actually occur on cam. I did have a fantasy brewing in my head, which I verbalized to one of my yuvu friends the night before the big day. It went something like this...I thought about us playing on cam like we do all the time at home, only this time, doing it in the same space, knowing the guys would LOVE to see us two together on cam. Taking the camming thing one step further by teasing, touching ourselves and playing in the actual presence of someone (other than Tank) had been a fantasy of mine since my Cum Covered Cutie blog (a must read if you haven't already done so). But this was totally different for me. This was with a woman! And on cam! 

(to be continued)

Cum Covered Cutie - Part 2

There I was standing naked in front of a man I had just met less than an hour ago...alone with him in his hotel room. My head was spinning, and I felt the need to sit down again. I asked if I could use a towel, and walking into the bathroom, I wondered what he was thinking. I placed the towel down on the bench at the foot of the bed and sat down in such a way that I could play with my pussy in his clear sight. I had one request for him all evening, and that was for him to touch my breasts. When he asked why I wanted that, I told him how I enjoy knowing the touch of someone other than Tank's. If he were to break his own rule of no touching in order to honor my request, he would have to find the right moment. His precum was still dripping, so I asked for more. He placed some on my finger, and instead of placing it on my tongue, I rubbed it on and aorund my hard clit. It was the perfect lube. I massaged myself and inserted one, then two fingers as deep into my pussy as they would go. My wet pussy sounds were the only noise in the room. He asked if he could take a closer look at my pussy and I said "Yes." He walked closer to me. I did not know how that was going to make me feel, but again, I was stepping out of my comfort zone. He crouched down between my spread legs and placed his head within an inch or two from my very wet and open very close, that I could feel his breath on my lips (and not the ones on my face lol). He lingered there for what seemed a long time, as I watched the sensual excitement on his face. He whispered for me to spread my lips apart and I did as I was asked. He continued speaking in whispers how beautiful my pussy and lips were, and I enjoyed his comments. Something about a whispered tone, when it was clear there was no reason for him to have to whisper, was very erotic, and I told him to continue. It was sometime around this point I had a revelation. For three years now, I've been teasing and playing behind the safety of the cam. But now, it was for real and not fantasy and reality were intersecting, and that excited me immensely. I knew that this was something I was going to remember to tell Tank when I got home, so that we could explore this together.

Max stood up and I could see the result of my nakedness in his hard cock. He was very aroused. Precum started oozing again from his cock. He circled around the bench and stood beside me, never touching, his cock suspended over my mouth. I stuck my tongue out below the dripping tip waiting to taste some more of his sweetness. He stroked himself until there was enough sweet sticky fluid to just drip onto my tongue. I watched in anticipation as it slowly dripped. I licked my lips and savored the sweetness. (Probably one of the hottest moments!)  I continued to play with my pussy, inside and around the lips, enjoying the feel of playing for Max and listening to nice wet pussy sounds. All the while, I was killing myself for not bringing my bag of toys along! I honestly didn't think I was going to play...didn't think I'd have the nerve to play for a total stranger. But here I was, masterbating live together with Max. I wanted his warm wet tongue to circle my clit while his very long fingers pressed deep inside me. But, he continued to stroke himself while watching me touch myself. He moved his body dangerously close to mine. He stuck his cock within an inch of my face and he could feel my breath. I warned him that my tongue might want a lick. "No, no" he said. He positioned himself so that his balls were next to my face and I motioned my hands to cup his balls. He backed away and reminded me of my commitment to his "no touching" rules. He came back to my body and watched me touch myself while he stroked away. My pussy was feeling really good. At that point he grabbed my left tit for a feel and a squeeze, but for only a few seconds. My eyes closed. I wanted more, and it left me feeling a bit frustrated. He had been holding back for so long I was surprised. He was just about ready to explode. I told him I wanted him to cum on my tits and I wanted to take a picture. He stood over me, his feet on the between his legs. I looked from his face, to his cock, to his ass reflected in the mirror behind him. A nice ass I might add. He exploded, shooting his warm cum all over my stomach, tits, and neck. It kept flowing, enough to almost over my entire stomach, making a pool in my belly button. I didn't move, handed him my phone, and he snapped the one and only picture memory of those couple hours together. I immediately texted the picture to Tank and told him I'd be home soon.

Max and I have met once in the chatroom since our real life meeting. Is there a possibility that we'd meet again? Next time maybe with some of Cutie's rules? Only time will tell...hope you enjoyed my unique experience. 


Repost of Cutie's 3some Adventure

Sam was coming into NYC on business and we arranged to meet for breakfast Sunday morning at his hotel. My husband and I took the train into the city, but Sam and I dined alone to get acquainted. After breakfast, we took the elevator up to his room. When I entered, he took me around and gave me delicious wet kisses. I was wearing his favorite black thong and a black bra, and he couldn't wait to remove my clothing. As we stood there naked for the first time together, we continued kissing and fell down on the bed. As I lay there, he covered my body with his tongue. Between my legs, his wet tongue felt so good around my lips and his strong flicking on my clit was amazing. I started to get worked up but, I had decided that I was not going to let his cock enter my pussy until my husband, Tank, was in the room to watch. But I took his cock in my mouth and licked and sucked. Time slipped away, and it was time for me to get dressed to meet Tank in the lobby, to bring him upstairs to the room. As soon as I saw Tank, I gave him my devilish, naughty grin and kissed him as we went up in the elevator. When we got to the room, I introduced the men. Tank moved to the chair and Sam was on the bed watching as my husband slowly undressed me. Naked again, I walked over to Sam and our kissing and touching continued. I took Sam's cock while on top of him...slowly taking all 8 inches until it was completely buried in my pussy. As I rode him, he whispered that he could feel my juices flowing onto his balls. I reached around to feel for myself and sure enough, his balls were covered in my juice. I loved the ride on this long, hard dick.

I then reached over for the lube and dipped my finger into the jar, found his asshole, and slowly eased my finger in and out. We had discussed Sam's desire for that on cam, and he really did enjoy it. I took some more lube and rubbed it around my asshole, sat on top of Sam reverse cowgirl, and put the tip of his cock by my almost open hole, slowly sat down, taking it all in. Tank walked over and began licking my pussy. I relaxed my body, enjoying the dual sensations. Changing positions, I lay flat on the bed, Sam's face within inches of my face, he inserted 2 very long fingers inside my pussy, rubbing and massaging just the right spots...wetness all around...I giggled...he kept his fingers moving as more juice leaked out all over his sheets. He placed his fingers into my mouth wanting me to suck and taste my own juices.

Sam's cock found it's way into my pussy, pumping in and out. Our time together was almost over, and I was really needing to cum. I took my vibe, placing it alongside my clit, Tank's finger in my ass, I'm staring into Sam's eyes as I'm moaning with such pleasure....and cumming so hard. I took Sam's cock into my mouth and sucked until he was ready to explode. His creamy cum landed in my mouth and all over my stomach...there was so much cum! When Sam walked into the bathroom, I walked over to Tank, got down on my knees and sucked him until he emptied himself in my mouth.

Sam and I said our goodbyes, and made plans to meet up again when he returned to NY.  And we did, two months later for lunch. :)

Cum Covered Cutie - Part 1

It had been about a year since Cutie had some real life naughty. I was ready for my next adventure. Max was in town on business and made me an interesting offer in the chatroom. After discussing the rules with my husband, Tank, I decided to go for it. Max would be the exhibitionist, and Cutie the voyeur...boundaries set at no touching. This was something very new to me because I am very into touching and being touched. The thought of another man or woman's hands on me excites me.

I dressed for work in a new dress, which when buttons opened, exposed some good cleavage. We were both quite nervous about the meet but excitement grew as the day progressed. We met after work in a crowded hotel lobby. We were both shy and I wasn't really sure we were going to go through with it. We chatted for a long while before making the move to his hotel room. It was awkward in the beginning because neither of us knew what to do first. Max went into the bathroom and came out with a towel wrapped around his lower torso. He sat down on a chair while I sat down on the bench at the foot of the bed. Those who knew Cutie, know I like to chat, and even more so when nervous, so I was chatting away. About what? I couldn't even tell you. It doubt Max could either lol

He began touching himself beneath the towel and as he did, the towel opened up and his cock was in sight. I felt uncomfortable just staring, so I moved my eyes from his face to his cock and back up again...all the while, a smile on my face (I think). I felt like I was being pushed further out of my comfort zone by not being an active participant. It would have been more natural for me if we were able to touch, but Max set the limits, and I promised to respect them. I noticed he was dripping with precum. What I wanted to do was lick the tip of his cock, but knew that I could not. So I asked if I could have a taste. He brushed his finger along the wet tip and I then swiped my finger across his finger. I placed my finger on my lips and into my mouth and sucked...all the while staring at him. It was nice and sweet tasting so I continued to ask for more, and there was plenty of it for me throughout the evening. His finger was the only part of his body I touched all evening.

I wanted to participate somehow so I asked if he wanted to see any part of me. He chose my breasts. As I moved closer to him I asked if he wanted to unbutton my dress. He asked me to do it and I slowly unbuttoned those top three buttons. After awhile I removed the top part of my dress and sat back down watching him look at me and play with himself. I asked if he wanted to remove my bra, but again, he asked me to do it, so I did. Now I sat on the bench totally topless. Cutie's tits in full view, and not behind the cam this time. I was wondering what he was thinking. I then asked him if he'd like me to remove my dress and he did, so I stood up in front of him and let my dress fall to the floor. I stood in front of him with just my turquoise-colored panties on. He continued to play with himself and fed me precum from his finger to my finger. I turned my back to him and removed my panties. Now I was standing there totally naked and fully exposed to him. I didn't know what to do because what I wanted to do was sit down on his hard, wet cock, but knew that I could not.


Thank you!

It's been a long time since I've written anything here, but I wanted to publicly thank my friend, Otta_Edwards for publicly acknowledging a person. So many of you watch me on cam...some I know, others are silent.  I do try to chat with everyone, but as you can imagine, it's a difficult task...especially now with my busy life, I am not in chat as often. 

I woke up this morning to find the following text on my profile written by Otta:

"Cutie, we have been friends on yuvu for some time now, and I have never acknowledged you publicly on your profile. For those here who had the wonderful pleasure to chat to you, you will share my gratitude when I say that I am so happy that you spend the time on here that you do, and share your life with us, as well as your truly magnificent feminine physique. We have chatted about life in general, as well as intimately. I would just like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for just being you"

Thank you Otta, and thank you to all my friends here who have made my time at yuvu happy and naughty... to express myself in ways I cannot in my real life.

A cougar finds her prey...

Paul is 28. I met him on yuvu last year, and although we had chatted and cammed together, he'd never seen my face...until we met for coffee one morning before work many months ago. It was a short meeting, with the expectation of meeting up again for more. More happened this past week. Paul picked the restaurant and we met for breakfast again before work. He arrived first and picked a table in the back corner. He was nicely dressed in a suit and white shirt. I was wearing a new dress.  We were both quite nervous because we knew that this time could lead to more than just a cup of coffee. All while chatting, I could tell he wanted to touch me. I eventually scooted closer to him and reached up for a kiss...tongue. He placed his hand on my naked leg, caressing it, squeezing it, moving up to my panties. It felt sexy to be kissing this young man in public and I couldn't help but wonder what people were thinking if they were watching this mature woman kissing a young man.  We took the plunge...
He suggested going into the bathroom which was marked men/women. I went in first, removed my panties, and he followed in a minute later. We started kissing and he lifted my dress to touch my skin. I tried to open his dress shirt buttons but they were too hard, so I just pulled his shirt out of his trousers, unbuckled his belt, unzipped his trousers and let them fall to the floor. His cock was so hard through his boxers. I took his cock in my hand, a wet lick to the tip. He let out a moan. He didn't know where to touch Cutie first. He lifted my dress all the way up. His hand made its way to my pussy. I lifted up a leg and he slid a finger in. I unhooked my bra to free my tits. He took my hard nipples in his mouth-one then the other. I went down for his cock again and this time held his balls and took his whole cock in my mouth. He was so overly excited he couldn't contain himself. It was not long before I felt warm liquid in my mouth. I swallowed it all. Giggling like high ***** *****, we quickly dressed. He left first and I tried to quickly shut and lock the door but wasn't quick enough. The cleaning lady pushed open the door, not expecting someone to still be in there because she saw the guy walk out. You should have seen the look on her face when she saw me! I smiled and continued walking out of the restaurant. I met  Paul outside and walked with him to the subway. We kissed goodbye and we both went to work, and sent each other emails most of the day.  Next time.....mmmmm, who knows?

Cutie and Yuvu???

 I am asked all the time how I came to yuvu. It's been a little over a year since I'd joined and in that year I've come a long way. It was all very innocent on my part at the beginning. I had no idea places like yuvu existed. The only person I had ever cammed, perved or got naughty with was the guy who brought me here.  I guess I can now admit that I was addicted to him and too emotionally attached which was something he couldn't handle. And if I am honest with myself, I don't blame him.  We have known each other over 30 years now as he was my very first fuck. We remained "friends" on and off. Off, because he chose to disappear every now and then...sometimes for years, without even a goodbye. Killing me each time. But I was always thrilled when he returned into my life.  I shouldn't really use the word friends though because friends don't usually treat each other the way he's ultimately hurt me. He thought the chatroom would be a good safe place for him to chat and see me.  Next thing I know he wants me to get on cam in the English room to see the reaction of the other guys. I was petrified because I am shy by nature and quite insecure, so we went into one of the other rooms that was empty and I got on cam. It wasn't empty for long..soon a young guy came into the room and viewed my cam. That was Cutie's first yuvu cam experience and I slowly started camming and chatting more and more. 

Towards the end of that year he started to act distant and cold and right after my birthday he deleted the name I knew him by. No explanation, no goodbye. Just a "be careful". He basically abandoned me in a world in which I had no experience.  Not that I was surprised. He'd disappeared on me numerous times over the years, but the hurt was still the same. I continued to visit the english room and when asked, I would tell my story of how I came to yuvu. At the beginning it was cathartic for me as I was hurting and did not understand what I had done wrong to deserve this treatment. I knew he lurked in the room and discovered his new names a few times but he would just delete them again.  
So I am blogging my abridged story now because a year has passed and I no longer feel the need nor do I want to repeat the answer to the question: how did Cutie come to yuvu and then why does she stay?  Well I already told you how I came here. Now I'll explain why I stay. I stay because I have found that I really enjoy chatting with most of the guys and ladies too.  I enjoy the sexy interactions that I longed to continue with him but was denied. I love how nice and sweet and sexy and dirty Cutie can be. That is me, and I love that I can express myself in the chatroom in ways I can't in my real life. This place has given me a confidence that I did not possess before.  I want to thank each and every one of you here who in their own way has helped me to move past him.  I know he lurks here still. But I no longer care xxx
Happy New Year! 
  •  cutiepie51
  • Interessen:
  • Geschlecht
  • Weiblich
  • Tätigkeit:
  • Geburtsdatum:
  • Ethnische Zugehörigkeit:
  • Beziehungsstatus:
  • Sexualität:
  • Hetero
  • Raucher/in:
  • Nein
  • Körpergröße:
  • 151 cm 4 ft 11 in
  • Körperart:
  • Sexuelle Veranlagung:
  • Ausbildung:
  • Nationalität:
  • United States
  • Land:
  • United States
  • Landes-, Provinz oder der Region:
  • Wohnort:
  • Date abgehalten:
  • 2011-08-21
  • Letzter Besuch:
  • Sie müssen für die Ansicht dieser Information Mitglied sein.
  • Available for Dating:
  • Nein
 - Cutie on Cam
  •   18K
  •  21/09/18
  •  75%
 - Cutie Cums Again
  •   24K
  •  19/03/17
  •  86%
 - Cutiepie & Adonis
  •   10K
  •  11/04/16
  •  81%
 - Anal Bead Orgasm
  •   47K
  •  10/01/15
  •  89%
  •   2K
  •  27/04/19
  •  72%
  •   3K
  •  10/04/16
  •  71%
  • sgotardon
  •   United Kingdom
      62 years old
  • girth55
  •   United Kingdom
      65 years old
Niemand bis jetzt.