batonbob personal info

  United States
  • batonbob

  • Tätigkeit: livestock manager,(cowboy)
  • Interessen:
  • Geschlecht: Männlich
  • Geburtsdatum:
  • Ethnische Zugehörigkeit: Weiß
  • Beziehungsstatus:
  • Sexualität: Hetero
  • Raucher/in: Nein
  • Körpergröße: 6 ft 4 in
  • Körperart: L



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  •   634
  •  22/05/16
  •  100%

batonbob blogs

about the moan

 As a man,i must say, we as men enjoy the moan. A woman that just lays there and moves, without a whimper doesnt do shit for me, I wanna hear you.I wanna hear you enjoy me, I will say i was recently inspired to this blog, There is nothing like a womans moan to make me strive to do better.

Now i aint talking a screamer. That shit hurts my ears. I mean. a woman that is really into what we are doing.

At the barn

Today at the barn, in my office waiting on a mare to foal, I got the most amazing phone call.

About 9:00 am the phone rang. It was a female sales rep. that calls everyother week or so. So after a little small talk, she goes into her sales pitch, telling me what they have on sale this month, etc.. After telling her I thought we were pretty well stocked up, I thought she had hung up. But as I started to put the receiver back down, I heard something coming from the phone. At first I thought she had inadvertently left her end open.

As I held it to my ear, I could hear more clearly. The sound of  heavy breathing. Curious, I didnt speak but continued to listen. Somehow I knew she was aware that I was there. The breathing continued to get heavier and raspier. Next I heard what could only have been clothing, a rustle here, a zip there.

After a few more minutes, the breaths were coming more frequently, accompanied by a little gasp. Still not another word had been spoken, but my jeans were fitting a little tighter in the crotch than was comfortable. Another few minutes pass, and with ever increasing urgency, I can tell she is getting close. (So am I)

Then with a whimper, she speaks the only words she has said in the past 15 minutes, "I can't cum anymore", and with that she was gone. I can't wait till the end of the month for her next call.

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  • lori_anne
  •   United States
      40 years old
  • mel44h
  •   United States
      56 years old
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