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  • budntussie

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mainardgcrebs said:
Check out the blog i just posted, i would like feed back, it all true
by the way but i would like to find videos that start from the very
beginning and watch how it develops into the sexual part, the
conversation would be very interesting The videos that are
our favorite, we wish they were longer ,showing from beginning to end
before the sex starts. The lead up is just as interesting as the
actual sex, conversation, slowly undressing etc
mainardgcrebs said:
Check out the blog i just posted, i would like feed back, it all true
by the way but i would like to find videos that start from the very
beginning and watch how it develops into the sexual part, the
conversation would be very interesting The videos that are
our favorite, we wish they were longer ,showing from beginning to end
before the sex starts. The lead up is just as interesting as the
actual sex, conversation, slowly undressing etc
em6224 said:
Thanks for the message! xoxo Em
giannisgr said:
heyy are u online??
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  • kplanders
  •   United States
      66 years old
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