cm94577 personal info

  United States
  • cm94577

  • Tätigkeit: Porn expert
  • Geschlecht: Weiblich
  • Geburtsdatum: Juni 1977
  • Ethnische Zugehörigkeit: Weiß
  • Beziehungsstatus: Ungebunden und Single
  • Sexualität: Hetero
  • Raucher/in: Nein
  • Körpergröße: 5 ft 7 in
  • Körperart: S


I love porn, and spend several hours a day checking out new videos:) My favorite site is -- it is a great new site that is very hip + always uploading new hot interracial videos.

cm94577 videos

 - Vintage Gangbang
  •   12K
  •  24/09/11
  •  71%
 - Gorgeous Girl Gets Ass Fucked
  •   45K
  •  24/09/11
  •  85%
 - My God she is hot
  •   6K
  •  24/09/11
  •  90%
 - 3 cocks one milf
  •   5K
  •  23/09/11
  •  100%
 - Wild rider
  •   14K
  •  23/09/11
  •  84%
 - Whoops wrong hole
  •   9K
  •  23/09/11
  •  70%

cm94577 fotos

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cm94577 blogs

My smoking hot ex boyfriend.

 I met "HIM" back in 2005 after I had a shit breakup from an NFL player. I was pretty pissed off, because I had given a lot of my time/energy to the NFL player only to find out he was just not ready. OKAY -- I can deal with that. 2005 comes around and I started getting these private emails from myspace from this rapper. I didn't really believe it was him, but he was online emailing me quite often. We finally met: OH MY GOD......and I mean OH MY GOD. The SECOND I saw this man -- I was wet! Fucking 6ft 3 inches..245lbs of this BIG BLACK GOD! I was done. He took the time to come where I tanned at. I was ready to rip my panties off and sit on his face. All the girls in the tanning salon were dripping wet too, because he was fine as fuck. I told him that we should go have dinner/drinks and see what was up. Dinner never happened, and drinks was short lived, because I said "I want to fuck you so bad"..CHECK PLEASE!!! We got back to my house and it was a shark frenzy to get my clothes off. On the stairs my panties finally came off, and I swear to GOD when I say RUG BURNS FOR DAYS!!! He was trying to eat my pussy as I slid up the stairs telling him a mattress is much better. He told me "Your pussy is so sweet, I have to eat this shit"..UGH.., but my back had no skin on it by then. After a good hot minute of eating pussy I managed to grab his fine naked hard cocked ass into my bed..CAN I JUST SAY -- NO MAN HAS EVER JUST FUCKED ME GOOD AND HARD like that. Any which way I wanted it, he knew when I was cumming to hit it harder with his huge cock. When I was done, I have to admit, my body was DONE. HAHAH, fucked up as in need bandaids, and I was cool with it. He and I ended up being on/off for the next 4 years, and they were AWESOME. Every time I saw him, I got a wet pussy and knew it was KNOCK IT OUT time. Our schedules messed us up too much. He is a rapper -- travels all the time, and me -- same shit, but CFO of a company. God, just talking about him makes me wet.

More Q & A for those of you who are intrigued by me.

 So -- I get about 100+ emails a day from all sorts of people. I do read them all, but I do not have the time to answer each of them. I do appreciate them:)

I am on -- I have submitted 10 videos so far of me over the years with boyfriend(s). I uploaded the videos, but the editing department @ changes titles. The videos are there, but the rotation makes the videos change pages frequently. 

I am single by choice! No ***** either! I chose a career that keeps me on the road quite often. And no: I don't need a place to live or a roomie:)

I do LOVE bbc, but I do not discriminate. I date whoever is cool, fun, and intelligent.

I watch porn everyday!

I have about 100 more videos of me, that are not online YET..takes time to edit those bad boys. 

So -- for now that is all I can think of.

Oh, I do not do pic exchanges, I don't do chats, and no texts either:( Sorry -- way too busy for that.


My hot Q&A -- I finally answered some questions.

 Have I fucked a black man? Yes
What is the biggest black cock? 12"
Do I fuck other races? Yes
Am I really single, no *****, and real? Yes
Why single? My career is too busy for all of that.
Do I do porn? No, I am a CFO in good ole corporate U.S.A.
Do I get paid to promote No, but I wish ..haha.
Do I work for No, but my company has done a few days of consulting for them awhile back.
Do I have any videos on HAHA -- look really hard, you might see me;)
Why won't I date you? I never have time, and am traveling often (try every 2 wks).
What is my favorite porn? Really anything, but I prefer interracial.
Do I like to exchange videos/pics? No: I wish I had the time, but I don't. 
Do I like women? I have had some wonderful experiences with women.
Do I sleep around? No -- my days are very long, that is why PORN is so important to me.
How many emails do I get a day? About 100 and I appreciate them all;)

I think that covers the questions..for awhile..hahaha. Email me if you have more.


My first big black cock experience

 I was 24 years old at the time, and had just left my really small dicked piece of shit husband. He was HORRIBLE in bed, and I never had an orgasm. I had been on looking for a hot black man in the Bay Area. Once I posted an ad on Casual Encounters the magic began. I had probably 300 email responses from men all over the bay ready to meet me. I set my sights on this particular gentleman. He was in his late 30's, single, no *****, and a lawyer in SF. He was also 6ft2, 245lbs, and into martial arts. Once I saw his photo, I was creaming in my jeans. I am 5ft7, 135lbs, HUGE boobs, and fairly attractive, I wasn't sure he would be attracted to me or -- I COULD HANDLE HIM!!! A few emails and we agreed to meet at a coffee shop by Golden Gate Bridge. I saw him from a distance when I finally got there the following day and OMG! Pure fucking raw nipple hard pussy wet attraction. I had never experienced my clit tingling in my pants before like that. We had some small chit chat, but really -- there was nothing to talk about other than "Can I suck your dick please?"..that is all I was thinking. I spent about 2 hours with him and decided that we would go to the Erotic Exotic Ball together the upcoming weekend. I was so fucking hard over the thought of going to something so erotic with this fine ass black man. I also invited my friend to go along, because she was bi-sexual, and you just never know what kind of nasty fun you can get yourself into. The night of the ball -- I made sure to shave every inch of my body, so I was smooth, lubed up, and ready to go. Hot black guy shows up to my house, and I about melted in my jeans. I didn't wear panties, because you just never know with me. My friend was in a thong with angel wings -- that was it. The black guy wore a black trench coat with NOTHING on underneath. I JUST ABOUT SHIT MYSELF WHEN I SAW HIS COCK!!!! HUGE!!! The Erotic Exotic Ball was a huge foreplay session. I was so wet! I could barely even talk most of the time, because I kept envisioning his black hard manhood sliding into my tight cunt. After the ball was over, we all decided to go back to my condo. My friend was tired, and just wanted to go to bed. She was in my bed, so Mister BIG COCK and I were left to entertain each other. I wanted to jump on his huge monster and ride it till my head popped off, but I was not sure how to just say "Lets fuck". I suggested we break into the gated hot tub and have a "soak". He was game. The gated hot tub was right in the middle of this huge condo complex on the Pacific Ocean with great views. I literally got in the water and grabbed his already hard cock. I told him "FUCK ME HARD AND MAKE MY PUSSY RAW"..his face was shock, but he convinced me down on all of his huge cock. OMG! All the years of shitty dick were erased. I was riding this huge rod like a champion. So much like a champion -- cops were called. HAHAH! No shit -- the local town police were dispatched to my location. I had to get out of this hottub with a tiny tank top half on me with no panties and try to explain to the cops that I was having some fun. I was VERY discouraged, because I had almost came, but not there due to the local po po staring at me. The cops told us to go back to my place. I thought "FUCK THAT I AM GOING TO CUM BITCHES" -- I told Hot Cock that we were going to the sauna. HAHAH -- I got his hot beautiful ass in the sauna...laid down and spread my legs open as far as they would go and said "You better fuck this pussy"..and wow. I almost regretted that as I was fucked so hard across the sauna bench, my back was getting scratched up -- but pain equals pleasure. He pounded me so fierce, I thought my cervix was near my throat! I could feel my insides starting to get very wet, and all of a sudden, I was cumming! He had to put his hand over my mouth, because I was "screaming" like a maniac. I walked back to my condo like my legs were jello. I could barely move after that hard cock slamming, and I loved every minute of it. Mr. Hot Cock had no idea what he created and started ---- my love and appreciation for big black cock;)

Charlie Sheen is so motivational.

 Okay so I have to admit, I was hoping Charlie Sheen would have been a bit "nastier" on his live webcam tonight. I wanted some tits/ass on his "goddess's", but ended up so bored, I took a shower. But the buildup from the anticipation of Charlie's webcam got me very hot and bothered. I normally do a daily masterbation with one of my very satisfying vibrators. Tonight was different. I felt like a wild slut out of control, and was craving BIG everything -- what the hell?? HAHA, so what does a horny bitch like me do: SATISFY MY NEEDS. I got out of the shower, grabbed the biggest vibrator I had and proceeded to my warm bed. I knew I would not be able to handle a very long session, because I was so warmed up already. Being that I was already naked, I just laid down and spread my legs open as far as they could go. I like doing that because I feel so open for whatever comes my way;) I stuck my huge vibrator in my pussy, and took the vibrating clit stimulator on the top of my clit -- OMG! Due to the special occasion I had to turn the anal stimulator on as well. NO LUBE NEEDED HERE! I barely had the setting on 3 and I could feel every ounce of my body already shaking. I convinced my thighs to stay wide apart, so I could feel all my holes being opened and vibrating!! I was so turned on -- 45 seconds later the "cumming" effect started!!! My "O" lasted a solid 50 seconds, and when I finished cumming all over my vibrator, my face was bright red, I could not move, and my clit was so sensitive -- vibrator OFF!!! NOW -- THAT IS A GOOD FUCKING NITE;) XOXOXOX I might Twitter Charlie Sheen thanks;) 

So I admit -- I am addicted to porn!

 I have to admit, I wasn't sure I would enjoy this website, but thus far -- amazing. A bit about my background, so you get a feel of who I am. I am a single woman with no ***** (thank god). I am VERY sexually open and have tried it all. I have a major passion for porn, especially interracial porn. My favorite site in the whole world is -- too many videos - too little time. If you get a chance, check it out. I also have had a very exciting experience in the Dominatrix world, so if you have questions or anything, please email me. I am hoping this blog will be a fun amusing place for great stories. XOXOX.

P.S. Please email me if you have any comments or suggestions. 

sk1980 said:
you should repost these so newer members can watch
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