darkknight2782 personal info

  United States
  • darkknight2782

  • Tätigkeit:
  • Interessen: sex
  • Geschlecht: Heterosexuellen Paar
  • Geburtsdatum: November 1961
  • Ethnische Zugehörigkeit: Andere
  • Beziehungsstatus: In einer offenen Beziehung
  • Sexualität: Bisexuell
  • Raucher/in:
  • Körpergröße: 168 cm 5 ft 6 in
  • Körperart: M


We now host Gang Bangs. In Los Angeles, California. Would you like to come to one of our events? gpls, girls, & single guys welcome. For any questions feel free to message us!! gbpleasures@gmail.com SUBJECT: Gang Bang Pleasures Attention Master Ro

darkknight2782 videos

 - Gang Bang
  •   98K
  •  25/06/14
  •  83%
 - Eat My Pussy Bitch!
  •   198K
  •  26/12/09
  •  91%
 - Night Time feeding
  •   35K
  •  26/12/09
  •  90%

darkknight2782 fotos

  •   9K
  •  26/12/09
  •  100%
  •   7K
  •  26/12/09
  •  100%

darkknight2782 blogs

CUM JOIN OUR GROUP - Gang Bang Pleasures

CUM JOIN OUR GROUP - Gang Bang Pleasures

If you you live Los Angeles, CA. U.S.A.


This group is for only Swingers that are interested in participating in gang bangs. We host a gang bangs twice a month for single guys, & the ladies who love to fulfill their “Gang Bang Pleasures”. Women, bi women, or couples can request a private gang bang (5 men minimum) and it will be arranged for you. Males will be screened for the benefit of the women requesting a gang bang. Parties will be scheduled when we have enough interested. Males will be required to help cover the cost such as location, food and beverage. All interested must provide a contact phone number when wishing to attend a Gang Bang Pleasures event.


Due to limited number of invites, And heartbroken horny women, because of no shows, flakes. You must notify if canceling 24 hours in advanced, or it will be considered a “NO SHOW”. 3 no shows and you will be black listed to the next sponsored group event. All women hunger for your attention, don’t let them down. Lets all have some sticky fun. Please send an E-Mail to sign up for Future events to receive your invitation.


For any questions feel free to message us!!


SUBJECT: Gang Bang Pleasures Attention Master Roger





Now Hosting for swinging cpls, girls or single guys
We now host in Los Angeles
Would you like to come to one of our events? gpls, girls, & single guys welcome.
For any questions feel free to message us!!
SUBJECT: Gang Bang Pleasures Attention Master Roger
ariannaz05232 said:
Hi, add Susan97 to your friends on: fantazm%2eonline#darkknight2782
caribbeanman3 said:
Nice vids
chattecommeunefleur69 said:
Vous êtes une belle et sexy dame, aimerait en voir plus!
darkknight2782 said:
we would love to get together with any other cpl, sissy TS, or single
girl who wants to to play with both of us. e-mail us at
darkknightavenger2782@gmail.com  or webcam us with skype
darkknight2782 or yahoo IM darkknight2782 don't forget to
identify who you are. Thx Roger & lori
paul1002 said:
reinhard1963 said:
Hi Loretta! When you show your pussy and masturbate it intensive I
get realy hot and masturbate with you. Especially the long video over
40 minutes I jerked off two times looking your intensive masturbating.
I wish I could give you my semen all over your face and fill your
vagina, until it spreads out between your lips. Kisses Reini
fununcut said:
mmmm nice profile!
lilotto said:
Nice stuff. You should do more on yuvu cam action.. we need more
hotties like you.
isvine said:
i am in arcadia,my email:isvine@yahoo.com.tw
torsade said:
very sexy
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