david040444 personal info

  United Kingdom
  • david040444

  • Tätigkeit: manager
  • Interessen: sex,gardening,reading
  • Geschlecht: Männlich
  • Geburtsdatum: August 1965
  • Ethnische Zugehörigkeit: Weiß
  • Beziehungsstatus: In einer monogamen Beziehung
  • Sexualität: Hetero
  • Raucher/in: Nein
  • Körpergröße: 178 cm 5 ft 10 in
  • Körperart: M


i love women who squirt. i love watching them (my wife squirts) and want to hear from any women squirters out there. you can email david040444@fsmail.net with your squirting stories and what gets you to squirt.

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i would love to hear from any women squirters. my wife often squirts when i,m eating her out and i just love the taste. my wife likes to taste herself as well. how many women feel the same and how many men experience there partners juices this way?

gracec36551 said:
18+: fantazm%2eonline#david040444
gracec36551 said:
Here she is: fantazm%2eonline#david040444
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