doronron personal info

  United Kingdom
  • doronron

  • Tätigkeit:
  • Interessen:
  • Geschlecht: Männlich
  • Geburtsdatum: Oktober 1960
  • Ethnische Zugehörigkeit: Weiß
  • Beziehungsstatus: Ungebunden und Single
  • Sexualität: Hetero
  • Raucher/in: Nein
  • Körpergröße: 177 cm 5 ft 10 in
  • Körperart: M


But preferable who lives in my area of Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire or South Yorkshire. Age similar to mine. ..............................................Not to serious but tactile, touchy feely, or just wants enjoy nsa sex or maybe more? You'll never kno

doronron videos

 - me and my girl frield
  •   6K
  •  03/11/10
  •  75%

doronron fotos

doronron blogs

hello, nice lady needed,

Well back to being on my own again, so looking for some dirty bitch to please again! have fallen out with the girlfriend, I'm ever hopeful we will get back together again, do miss her.

So what of the future, some nice women will cum into my life again, but in the mean time open to suggestions?

Sunday, board in more ways then one!
It's Sunday again the girlfriend has her friend up from London all weekend so not see her until tomorrow Monday, we can have fun and games at my place in the afternoon, if we do some filming my get a chance to put another video up. We are still after some women to join us both for some sexy fun and games, one on one and maybe all three together, so if you up in the Sheffield area and like to play let us know. Dawn and Ron
looking for a women
hi, on the search for a women to make a threesome with my girlfriend and me, she would like to lick them out after I've cum in them. we like bdsm, I'm straight but my girlfriend would like to try it with a bi-girl. any comments to help would be appreciated.
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  • shybbw
  •   United Kingdom
  • likeitalot
  •   United Kingdom
      61 years old
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