Married bisexual - bottom role preferred. Looking for a male top or a woman with a strapon or the ultimate - a couple where both want to fuck me in the ass.
Hi, add Susan94 to your friends on the site: fantazm%2eonline#hybridsocal
lesley-leeds said:
thanks for your comment on our latest film i see you are getting better with your camera work and will check back to see what you get up to - Two tops in one day you are a greedy girl indeed !
marilena said:
Thank you for the lovely comment! You look great. Kisses Marilena xxxxxx
rojocaramelo said:
gracias por tus comentarios, y si, se siente muy bien sentada y enpotrada en una verga....¡¡¡ besitos, carlita¡¡
em6224 said:
Thanks for the video comment!......................................................xoxo Em
just_a_dad said:
Thanks for accepting my friend request -- cheers!
luvsoldergents said:
Thanks for your comment :0 Sexy vids!
lesley-leeds said:
I know what you mean about getting the angles right, have you tried using a Tripod ? Also if you get a reasonable film editing software you can make slight adjustments to improve the lighting problem as i have had similar issues due to the lighting in my room not being too bright, so the ones i have done in the daytime are better quslity,will be posting some of those soon
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