iluvtofck personal info

  United Kingdom
  • iluvtofck

  • Tätigkeit: retired
  • Interessen: sex, sucking, fucking!
  • Geschlecht: Männlich
  • Geburtsdatum: Januar 1950
  • Ethnische Zugehörigkeit: Weiß
  • Beziehungsstatus: In einer monogamen Beziehung
  • Sexualität: Bisexuell
  • Raucher/in: Ja
  • Körpergröße: 180 cm 5 ft 11 in
  • Körperart: M


mature guy, good looking, blue eyes and shaved head. interested in all aspects of sex, with women or tvs. some experience with tvs recently. fetish for leather, shoes and boots. had a nice fuck session with a tv friend of mine recently. as a favour to he

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iluvtofck blogs

me, women, tvs and cds in sexy shoes!

i have always had a big thing about women in sexy leather shoes, flats, high heels, boots etc. ive been pretty lucky to have had lovers who shared the same fetish as me.  i cant get enough of it! i have loads of pics of women and tgs in heels and my desire gets stronger and stronger day by day.

while browsing on the internet i came across a picture of a tv squatting, his huge shecock as stiff as a pole, beautiful shiny pink head glistening and wearing a sexy pair of leather toepost sandals! i was instantly hooked and couldnt get this image out of my mind! i started surfing the web looking for tv and cd websites. i soon met a lovely tv who i shall call janet, she was very submissive, loved to suck cock,  be fucked in her sexy shoes. needless to say i was in paradise.

we met twice a month and each time i was met at the door with her wearing the sexiest lingerie and always in her sexy shoes, always toepost or strappy sandals bearing her toes for me to suck!  always sucked her toes while in her shoes!! she gave me a lovely shoe and foot job before we began the serious business of sucking and fucking!

i would spend a long time just playing with her feet in those sexy shoes, kissing and sucking  her toes, licking her shoes!  although submissive she told me exactly what to do where her feet were concerned, when to suck and where she wanted her shoes licked!  she often rubbed her shoed feet in my face and my body to get me nice and hard for a good fucking session, still have that lovely sweet smell of leather in my nostrils!!!  cant remember the number of shoes and boots i bought her and can honestly say she was one of  the best lovers i ever had!

on my own my favourite pastime is wanking to pics of tvs cds and women in sexy leather shoes, thankfully my wife has a lovely collection of fuck me shoes to keep me and my cock busy!

arya7729 said:
B e s t S e x D a t i n g, open link >>>>>
condor6161 said:
write me on
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  • mikey76
  •   Korea, South
      68 years old
  • condor6161
  •   Sak'art'velo
      63 years old
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