killyourdarlings personal info

  • killyourdarlings

  • Tätigkeit:
  • Interessen:
  • Geschlecht: Weiblich
  • Geburtsdatum:
  • Ethnische Zugehörigkeit: Weiß
  • Beziehungsstatus: Ungebunden und Single
  • Sexualität: Bisexuell
  • Raucher/in: Nein
  • Körpergröße: 163 cm 5 ft 4 in
  • Körperart:


will be posting more erotica (images) and short stories at my blog:

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killyourdarlings blogs

Please me lover, make me cum

I throw down the keys to you. It´s still winter in the air, even now that the snow has almost completely melted, and I, almost naked, hasten to close the window. It is a seven floor apartment house. I lie in bed and wait, listening to the elevator that moves through the house. First down to you, where you stand and wait, and then up, bringing you closer to me. I imagine you, how you stand there and look at your reflection in the large mirror on the elevator wall. Adjusting your hair, maybe. This is what I think you do when nobody's watching.

You unlock the door and let yourself in. It´s dark in the hallway, I see your figure just passing as the light from the vestibule hits you, before you close the door and it gets dark agai. It is in the darkness you remove your shoes and jacket before you come in to me where I lie stretched out on the bed.

At the side of me, by the bed, a faint light is lit, enough for us to barely see eachother. I lie on the top of the wuilt, not quite naked, but just wearing panties. Transparency. You can see my pussy through the thin fabric. I spread my legs, feeling with my fingers, stroking over it: soft, fleshy and very wet. The fingertips moisten of the fabric which is saturated with pussy juices. I pull my panties aside, just a bit, and let the edge of the fabrig press against my clit and cut into the slit, before I pull it all aside and show you me. Do you like what you see?

You lie before me, between my legs, close but not touching. It´s not your turn yet. I´m pulling the labia, using my fingers to expose the clit, show it properly, It´s swollen of arousal, among the folds of skin and moisture; big, hard. Slippera as well, I can feel it when I stroke my fingers over it in small circular movements.

I let my fingers slip further down, and press a finger into the slit. It slides into the soft and warm flesh, my pussy squeezes tightly around my finger. I push it in and out a few times, pretty fast, and I breathe deeply. Your eyes are focused on my hands. My other hand's fingers are stroking my clit, fingers that shine with pussy juice. I start off with circles, softly, slowly, caressing. I put another finger in my pussy while I´m speeding it up. I massage the clit harder, faster. So close to orgasm, and it takes discipline not to continue, not to cum. There is one thing that turns me on so fucking hard: your hands.

You finger fuck me gently eith one finger, put another one in, and move them in and out. I´m rubbing my clit, and you drive me crazy. As I move against you, you finger fuck me harder and faster. My own fingers slide over the clit, fast and hard, just about to cum eith your fingers inside of me. And then, just like that, I drop, stiffen in the middle of a movement and cums so damned hard on your hands. I see you looking at my open pussy as it throbs, looking as it shines. See how I enjoy it.

Then I relax, keep my legs together and lift them straight up. You pull the panties off, they´re all wet now. I look at you, your gaze on my pussy with the lips tightly pressed together. Now, I need your dick.

To read more of my erotica, please visit my official blog (you´ll find a link in my profile).

Trying to blog

But the site keeps telling me that the html-tags I´m trying to use aren´t allowed. The problem is that I´m not trying to use any html tags. Help, anybody?

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