lobok9 personal info

  • lobok9

  • Tätigkeit: Auditor
  • Interessen: All good things of life
  • Geschlecht: Männlich
  • Geburtsdatum: November 1969
  • Ethnische Zugehörigkeit: Weiß
  • Beziehungsstatus: Ungebunden und Single
  • Sexualität: Hetero
  • Raucher/in: Nein
  • Körpergröße: 185 cm 6 ft 1 in
  • Körperart: M
  • Sexuelle Veranlagung: Durchschnitt
  • Ausbildung: Masterabschluss Uni oder Doktorwürde
  • Nationalität: Portugal
  • Land: Portugal
  • Landes-, Provinz oder der Region: 19
  • Wohnort: comporta
  • Date abgehalten: 2010-07-19
  • Letzter Besuch: Sie müssen für die Ansicht dieser Information Mitglied sein.
  • Available for Dating: Nein


I am a man looking for interesting matures women.

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  •  10/01/12
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lobok9 blogs


I thought putting this as a blog entry... The problem is that almost nobody reads the blogs and I'd like everybody read this text, because it is very true and very full of feeling!... If, there are four or five years ago, someone said that I would have a date with a sixtie lady, I laugh hard and I would say something like this: "

- What!!!??? Do you think I'll be so badly quoted from the female population that can only merit the attention of a sixty years old woman...? You're crazy, or what's going on?"

 Well ... The world has changed! The popularity of gyms, the diffusion of taste for food and for healthy behaviors, the rapid evolution of cosmetic and pharmaceutical products and accessibility to small aesthetic interventions, did a miracle on women. The first woman for whom sixties felt sexual attraction was Tina Turner - she had, in fact, some stunning legs. But at the time Tina was an exception Today, I have the pleasure of cruising the streets of most part of European cities with women with sixties look much better than that I loved so much to Tina Turner!... When I was coming to 40 years, I realized it would be increasingly difficult for me to maintain my physical appearance - which is basically identical to what I had for the last twenty years... This experience of mine, made me spend even more to admire these extraordinary women who, even after the passage of sixty years, insist on not surrendering to the passage of Time! There should be not easy!... So I feel that I must do them this very true tribute.


Thank you for existing!


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