Things that fit in my bum

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Different things that fit nicely in my arse....any other ideas? XXX
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Kommentar posten
Gepostet von: Anonym Ein 2010-04-30 18:45:47
Sakerna och möjlig heterna är många bara man har fatasi nog ! Varför inte köra med lite olicja grön sker ? eller som min fru en cola flaska prova vet jah lycka till !
Gepostet von: harryrag Ein 2010-04-30 20:27:50
Oh I think my tongue and my cock would go well up there
Gepostet von: hantsman Ein 2010-04-30 21:11:15
my tongue
Gepostet von: charlebignuts Ein 2010-04-30 22:59:37
My Nice Wam Spunk ?
Gepostet von: Anonym Ein 2010-05-23 15:25:18
My face, nose,and tongue Oh your pussy hangs open so nice when you bend over. Wish I was your ass loving cunt worshiping slave. you would never have to clean yourselve again. Just beg you to piss in me instead of using toilet and let my face be your ass dildo whenever you have the urge for something in there. I cant stop jerking my hard little cock for you.
Gepostet von: frankletuss1234 Ein 2010-07-17 16:07:04
that cock
Gepostet von: nai77 Ein 2010-09-29 20:14:36
My toungue would love to, what about your hubbys?
Gepostet von: hornymale66 Ein 2010-11-10 17:22:20
If i was near i`ll show you some ideas ;p Nice photos!!!!
Gepostet von: bluep88 Ein 2011-04-16 01:05:26
yes my cock
Gepostet von: ukguy4cples Ein 2011-05-13 06:03:20
definitely my tongue
Gepostet von: shaft_69 Ein 2011-07-14 09:00:13
My Cock !!!
Gepostet von: medonho51 Ein 2013-09-18 00:20:29
deliciously mmmmmmmmmm nice asss
Gepostet von: shelee Ein 2015-09-16 16:58:41
Mmmm my tongue especially after you have cum inside her, my clitty cock especially after more cum is inside her, so slippy, both our clitty cocks together in a delicious DP both cumming inside her ass for us to lick out xx
Gepostet von: owdlad Ein 2016-11-15 19:04:22
What a superb figure, lovely bum -reckon my cock would fit so nicely........... Mmmmm love that view of your pussy, love even more to see if my mouth would fit over your sexy swelling
Gepostet von: vivienne8773 Ein 2019-07-12 01:01:22
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