mark2000 blogs


 In the old days we used condoms, not to get the girls pregnant. We have no clue about STD.

Later, condoms are used more for STD protection, pills being availabale.

When to use a condom ?

I have one super nice ebony, that was using condoms only for anal. Hmm

Reality check

In oral, the teeth of a woman do scrath your dick 100 times more than when you are in her pussy or ass.

STD get to you and her  from body fluids.

So, if you like a hunck, or a super sexy girl, in a bar/disco, and you see her/him coming from the toilet or bunnies, put a condom on.

When you know the person better, and want a longer relationship ask him/her for a blood STD test, herpes included.

There are people alergic to latex, there are options.

So have fun, fun , fun, fuck, suck, nipp with all your hart.

And enjoy the natural juice 


 A lot of women are ashamed when they fart, for no good reason

When the penis enters the vagina, a volum of air with travel, be trapped there.

OK, it will be relesead at some point, and no one but her, will feel bad about it.

Ass fart - as common. We all just praise, that she did not have been for lunch. lol

So girls, please free to fart, you'll see big smiles on your partner(s) face, and your smile should be bigger

Guys, please, please do not fart. Go on the balcony, bathroom be nice. No one wants to hear, smell it

Have fun gang

What is clean and what is not

 What is the cleanest part of a woman ? If freshly washed, her pussy, her mouth cavity contains 100 times more microbs, than her pussy. The most prone opening to give you and her, medical problems, is her ass (antibiotics do not work on that, consult your doctor). So if you want to have anal sex, that is great (vast majority of ladies claim that anal orgasm is WAY stronger than vaginal orgasm), what ever touches the ass, has to be washed before touching her mouth or the pussy again. 

Plese, no ATM, for your own health. Exception: you use a condom when in her ass, and get rid of it to get a blowjob and feed her.

If you go for anal, I strongly recomend aloe cream, wears better than the lube, you do not have to interrup to add lube.

If you like to have mfm, or more partners, invest in a mattres topper, at least queen size. Less sprained anckels, and less broken bones.

Have fun gang

let's talk about DP

 It's a very rewarding experience if planned properly.

The girl, will had an enema, prrior to the meet, she'll trim, shave as she desires.

The guys will stick their dicks over the bathroom sink, splash some water - lol

The gurl will be sure to drink more water, her wetness is let's say a third from vaginal walls, rest is piss. Drinking water, and pissing, will eliminate the smell of urine, simple.

For all, have some pinnapple before, will change the tast of your and her cum. Do not eat other fruits, before going for a dp, u do not want a polish sausage comming out of her ass. 

Listen to her demands, and follow her lead. Women know how to make a memorable evening, night, week - end.

What ever touches the ass, does not go in pussy or mouth, without proper washing. You put the woman that is giving you pleasure, in danger. And yourself - antibiotics do not work.

I like more to be the guy on the top, letting the other guy on his back, she is cowgirl, and I'll fill her butt. Fucking an ass is more intense, so I'll finish first, and admire her getting a full creamed pussy.

Be happy people

How does it starts


There is a voice - female saying go to the left, better eggplant there

follow the voice, and get a pineapple.

Guys, try not to push, try to let it happen

I love woman, 34 plus old, I do not have to teach, but i get pleasant lessons

No, I;m not submissiv, but I will always follow her lead

Small tits, big breat , huge ass yupppiee

And just for the record, pussy juice is better than orange or tomato 

Damn it, I LOVE pussy

not me

 all people mentioned, have no connection to people

Tuesday, phone call : how are you honey ? I'm at work and it stinks

She: how are you, nice to hear your voice. How is your cute friend (hot, she saw the bulge)

He: ok, what u doing friday ? all other evenings were planed with the guy for beer and  some billiard

She: shopping, cooking, wanna pass by ?

He: I can make it after work, could get to your place by 5.45 pm

She: see you then and ..

He: My boss is coming, have to hang up .. crap that demon showed up from nowhere, I lost the bag of gold, and now I have to start from the same level the game



Make appoinment with hair artist for Thursday.

Start to plan how much the window shades should be covered or not. 1/3 or a half, or dark. What  bed sheets should be more in tone with the color of the walls.

For last 2 days before the meet, dry food only, no garlic no onion

Hot bath, shave the legs, plastic cap, to protect the newly style hair.  Light make up.

Friday morning - enema. cleaning the ass, no need for a polish sausage showing up on him. Scrub teeth twice.

Relax, soft music. No food, just water. Relax. OK, a lil porn is ... is ... ok, but just ok

From 4.30 she is nervous. Watching some porn to relax, and ckecking the watch each 10, then 6 the 2 minutes.

Hurrraaay, she heard the bell


Friday morning started with an omlette, bacon and freshly deep fried onion.

sucking a tooth, remembering that he missed his dentist appoinment, a week ago, planing a new evening with the boys, and beer, something is bothering him. Oh, yeah, he has to go to her. Tough luck, he'll meet the guys later, but, but he has to be there by 10 pm.

Jump into the car, got to work, punch the card, hit the door open with the foot , and sat at his desk. Boring

Ok, it's 4.23 pm, time to prepare. Went to the bathroom, pissed in the sink, used the company provided gel soap (it stinks), wash lightly the balls - enough water have touch the head of the dick, not requiring more wash. Use the nappkings laying on the counter, hit the garbge can - yup i'm good, punch the card 5 minutes late, won't get paid anyway, 

Hard to find a parking, next to her place, steal a spot, got out and wisteling, some tic-tac is better than a tooth wash, walking , slowny, admiring a pair of NICE tits, drops in the corner deli. 10.99, 12.99 look there is a bottle of wine for 9.99. Grab some flower before getting to the sales person. Paid cash, not sure how much money left on the card.

Ok, here is her door Ring the bell, and there is she all smiles.


Her smile is huge, opening the door, just got a lot smaller when she can not see the cute friend. Better one, than nothing. She's dressed is a see through light nity. Small talk, then sucking his dick, allready with a wet pussy she feels a twitch and disaster,, a loud, loud pussy fart. His deaf, heard nothing watching the tv, it's still on on porn.

first dp

 I kew a couple, that we played together, intercoursee, spitroast, and they took me to a private swing party.

10, 12 people, lose clothing, chating, drinking, big livingroom. I say a woman, that was kinda left alone, or that has chosen to keep away. Chubby, not fat, great tits and ass. Still with my T shirt and shorts on, we start talking, weather, blah, blah blah, and I started to caress her buttock, then her tits. She pushed me through the open doors into the empty bedroom, onto the bed. T shirt gone, shorts gone (I was comando), she started to give me a bj. Her clothers were gone, she started to kiss me on my lips, and put my dick in her pussy. All of a sudden, I realized that there people watching us. To my surprise, a pair of hands brought my legs together, I felt his feet  touching my legs, and he entered her ass. She moaned softly. Disco music was playing, not to loud. He started to trust harder and harder, I was pinned into the mattress and had to use my hands to help her hips taking the pressure. Her black hair was all over my face, I could see nothing. He stradelled her, and was pumping her ass harder and harder. Using the music rithm , we alternated in pumping her. We were like a 2 cylinder engine. Her moans changed to squals. I heard his groan, and the pumping stoped. He got of the bed,  she kissed me and said thanck you, and ...left.

As an idiot that i was, I never asked her for her number or name.

First encounter

 Doing someting for the first time could be good or bad, and each one of us will be marked by that event.

1. BJ I was with my gf, both 16, at a sea resort, coming from the beach, some sand still glued to our bodies, went strait for the shower. I soaped her, run my hands over her body,  without missing a spot, then she returned the favor, and.. and, she kneeled, put my dick in her mouth - wow WOW Before I knew, I emptied by balls (could not say if she swallowed or not).  She dried me, got first in  the rm, and laid on her back on the bed, spread her legs. I was going to, fuck her, but she stoped me,"now is your turn", put a hand on my head, and she stick my nose in her pussy. I did not know what a clitoris is, where it is, so she with patiance hands and hip in motion showed me the way. From that time on, I am addicted to pussy juice, and I gulp it all.

2. She had to go back to the city (Her parents were not happy), and I stayed for a time more. Met a woman, nice, full body, great tits and ass. We ended up in her rm, and I was given a lesson in a female genitalia, with a hand on learning experience. She took the time to teach me how lick, suck, nibble and a lot more. She sucked my dick a few times a day. After 7 days and nites, I parted with Danuta. She was 32

Will you share your first experience with the rest of us ?

Bj, intercourse, 69, threesome, DP or what ever you consider that changed you

Have fun

Snow ball

 It sounds better in french.

It's best in a fmfm situation, where the girls feel secure. Not in a gang bang, even if  there are 2 girls, and 6 guys.

Just my opinion

The small devil here are the girls.

Be polite, and enjoy the girls

You do it for them, and they do it for you

Tape it, years later you'll still get an erection from it, and her pussy will be waaay wet.

Who did it, knows what i'm talking about. Who did not.... still will love it



Here is where a woman, could make you fly

Just a suggestion

If you are not happy with her "performance", take for a walk in the park, buy her an ice cream, on a cone

Watch as she licks the top, later as she licks the bottom of the cone

Place a hand on the ass, as to help her not to loose the balance

When you get home, or in the park, if you dare, ask her to do the same to your dick, as she did with the ice cream

She enjoyed it, sucked the lost drop, from the cone, just ask for a repeat

On your dick

Most woman love to suck dick, pretend not to like the taste of cum - wrong

Is there some drops of ice cream on your chin ? Take a finger and clean your chin - same for cum

A woman that masters the bj, will get a best licking, and gulping of her delivery

I love womans juice - pervert

A woman will love you, the way you love her

And if you have a slip, and start to fuck her ass, you'll hear, no, no oooooh yes


 what is a gang bang, what is a ffm what is an orgy

all are good, if the  girls are happy at the end, and cum is cuming down their legs, while driving home

i never took a woman home after a hot nite, someone could come out the house, and not with his dick in his hands

gang bang - best organized by friend/hubby

let the guys wait, 2 hotel rms, she will be introduce to all, share a smile, a few words, not much going on, just pats on her but

it's her choice, to drop down and suck a dick, do not interferea , she's tasting the atmosphere, the way she will feal safe fuck by 4 or 6 dicks

without notice, from the snack rm, she'll move in the fuck rm, with two guys

listen to her demands, the third will be the lucky one fucking her ass

guys learn, you are there just to give her pleasure

i liked it

 from the net, i got in touch with a great pair of tits

we agreed for a meet, at a thai restaurant austin street, nyc

i got there first, got a table middle of the room

she shows up, late, dressed nicely, and is directed to my table

small talk we order lunch, she ask to go to the rest room, i pay the bill

i ask her u like what u see ? yes, and u ?

yes, we decide for a hotel, not far

got in the rm, we did not touch yet, she pushes me over the bed, no clue how she got me naked and is sucking my cock

i ask her to get into the shower, shes not happy, but i love her wettness, not her urine

problem, she has a fishnet plus garter betl, etc, i do not help, she takes a shower, i ask that she dress back up, i;m a bastard, she does.

than she sucks me, i try to suck her , but the bush is huge - i have curlly hair, ingrow, but i do not like hair in my desert

i'm put on my back, she put the cock in her pussy and starts to fuck me, up, down, left right wow

and then she move up, says u'll like it, and before i know, i'm in her ass

in all around 4 hours, and my first chocolate experience

great  ass, i'm 140 lbs, she was 200

Anal sex

 It' under rated and over rated

I LOVE a female ass, but it has limits required by health

First, if I like a female, and we decide to meet for a "cup of coffee", I ask her for a STD test, I'l bring mine

I'll let the woman lead, few points here, there, but talking to her all the time

She claims, no anal yet, i try to let her on top of me and push herself as she feels, try not to move at first

Be her buddy in discovery, you'll have a friend for life

From my experience, woman have a greater orgasm from anal


But guys, do it nicely, gently, u will be rewarded

No atm, dick that slamed the ass, has to be washed before pussy or mouth, unless u want her to have huge chances for infection, and u after her

BAd for me: i never use condoms, but I ask for STD test

Pray er

A Woman's Pray er

My vibrator,
which brings me heaven,
Rabbit be thy name.
You make me cum,
you bring such fun,
on earth - or is it heaven ?
Give me this day my daily thrill,
and forgive me my screams as I forgive those who sold me dud batteries.
Lead me straight into temptation.
Deliver me from frustration.
For thine is the vibration,
the power and rotation.
For ever and ever.

Where is ALM

We need the last report

Is October 30th - lol

  •  mark2000
  • Interessen:
  • Geschlecht
  • Männlich
  • Tätigkeit:
  • Geburtsdatum:
  • Mai 1958
  • Ethnische Zugehörigkeit:
  • Weiß
  • Beziehungsstatus:
  • Sexualität:
  • Hetero
  • Raucher/in:
  • Ja
  • Körpergröße:
  • 182 cm 6 ft 0 in
  • Körperart:
  • S
  • Sexuelle Veranlagung:
  • Ausbildung:
  • Masterabschluss Uni oder Doktorwürde
  • Nationalität:
  • Land:
  • United States
  • Landes-, Provinz oder der Region:
  • NY
  • Wohnort:
  • new york
  • Date abgehalten:
  • 2007-12-01
  • Letzter Besuch:
  • Sie müssen für die Ansicht dieser Information Mitglied sein.
  • Available for Dating:
  • Nein
 - fun
  •   4K
  •  16/11/13
  •  79%
 - vaginal
  •   19K
  •  28/10/13
  •  81%
 - Just anal
  •   19K
  •  08/10/13
  •  89%
Keine/n bis jetzt.
  • good65
  •   France
      59 years old
  • abbernathy
  •   Australia
      60 years old
  • babyalex
  •   United States
      47 years old
  • paralelo
  •   Brasil
      65 years old
Keine/n bis jetzt.
Niemand bis jetzt.