gaffer40 blogs

Sharing - first part

Some years ago I worked for a company that had branches invarious parts of England. I ran an office within easy reach of my home and the head office near London. However, one branch was right up in the North-East and this meant that the director in charge of that office, I'll call him Fred, needed to travel South and stay somewhere the night before our monthly board meetings. I got on well with him and before one meeting offered to put him up for the night. When he arrived he suggested that my wife and I went out with him for a meal and drinks as his treat to repay us for our hospitality. We all got along well and probably drank a little nore than we should have done. During the course of the evening my wife said that she hoped that he would be warm enough in our guest room. I jokingly suggested that if he was not then he'd have to share our bed so as to keep warm.

As I say, we had a pleasant evening and it was bedtime soon after we got home. We'd not been in bed for very long when there came a call from the guest room "You're right, it's not very warm in here, are you ready for me to join you?".

Shock, horror, he thought I was serious when I'd made my joking comment! Being a very conventional couple we'd never contemplated such a thing so I immediately called back that I was sorry but that I  thought that it had got too late and that we really should try to get to sleep because we had to get up early the next day as it was a normal *****/work day - well, I didn't want to appear to be un-cool did I.

Because I had to drop the ***** off at ***** and then drive to my office to open-up etc.. I left before Fred made an appearance. Actually, we'd arranged the night before that it would be least disruptive to our normal routine if he waited until the ***** and I had left the house before getting up.

Later in the day, after the board meeting, he thanked me for putting him up for the night and said that he had decided to leave straight away to drive back to Yorkshire rather than stay for another night and drive home the following morning as we had agreed the previous evening. He asked if I would again pass on his thanks to my wife for her hospitality and that if the offer still stood he'd like to stay with us again at the time of the next meeting. This was quite gratifying as on previous occasions he'd always stayed with our boss.



That night, when my wife and I were in bed I asked if Fred had said anything about the previous night: I thought he might have been embarrassed or apologetic or something. I certainly was not expecting the story that she then recounted...

Soon after I had left the house Fred had appeared, put his arms round her, kissed her and said how sorry he was that he hadn't been allowed to join us the previous night because she really attracted him, etc. etc. Angela admitted that she found him attractive too and didn't try to stop him holding and kissing her. Very quickly a passionate situation developed but Angela didn't try to stop him until he started to make moves towards the bedroom. At this point she stopped him and said that although she was enjoying what they were doing, he must not try to go much further as she did not have any form of contraceptive as I had had a vasectomy. "No problem" said Fred grabbing his car keys and heading for the door "I'll only be a few minutes".

While Fred was gone she considered what she should do. She told me that she realised that she was strongly attracted to and turned on by him and found the idea of a casual flirtation appealing. She didn't think I would be put out by a casual fling and that a change from our normal routine might add some spice to our love lives. Fred soon returned looking very pleased with himself and waving a bag of goodies that he'd got from the nearby pharmacy. He took her by the hand and led her to the bedroom. She was rather overcome, didn't really know how she could stop at that stage and anyway was rather excited at the idea of what might happen. He turned out to be an accomplished lover and eventually they used most of the condoms and stuff that he'd bought. She had to confess to me that it had been an incredibly erotic and satisfying experience. She'd had several orgasms. At some point she'd asked what he would have done the night before had he joined us in bed and discovered the problem of the lack of contraception: he admitted that he would still have made love to her and tried to pull out before coming. I wondered what I'd have done if he had joined us in bed and started screwing my wife in bed beside me. I was also shocked that she had been willing to have full-scale sex with a guy that she hardly knew and then to be so upfront in telling me about it.

I thought that this had been a one-night-stand but as the next board meeting approached it became obvious that Angela was really looking forward to seeing Fred again: it transpired that they'd been chatting regularly on the phone since his last visit. I realised that things had moved a long, long way from a casual sexual encounter. He came and stayed overnight with nothing happening but I guessed that as soon as I'd left the house the following morning there would be a repeat of the previous performance. I confess that this made me feel very envious and also very horny and I hoped I'd get my turn later. Sadly this was not to be and, in fact, we had very little sex thereafter because she was so smitten and satisfied by Fred.

I didn't want Angela and I to split up and hoped that things would cool down and return to something like they were before Fred ever came to visit. However, I was shafted! Their relationship got very involved and by the time of the next meeting it was obvious that there was going to be a further development. Whether I liked it or not I was going to have to sleep alone in the guest room while Angela and Fred shared the "master" bedroom. I made a mental note to try and avoid thinking of it as the "mistress" bedroom. Did I mention that Fred was married with a family and at this point there was no suggestion that any longterm changes were planned. That night was weird: being able to imagine and sometimes hear, what they were getting up to was quite painful but also erotic and exciting. Fred at least kept out of the way in the morning until I left for the office.

After some months I believed that the situation had cooled down and I'd come to accept that this was a fact of my life. Because I had changed jobs we had in the meantime moved house and overnight stays were no longer necessary as they could meet more easily and frequently. It seemed that we could carry on almost as before with Fred as an exciting, for her, addition to Angela's life. Not good, but a form of compromise that I could cope with. Unfortunately, Angela had become seriously hooked and she was starting to think in terms of their living together. When it came to the crunch he could not bring himself to do this and he sold up his business and moved to the other end of the country to start a new life. Angela was pretty broken up by this but as she had already taken several additional, lovers she was not as destroyed as she might have been

Which is really the beginning of a new chapter...

Getting to the bottom of a problem

Getting to the bottom of a problem

My first marriage had changed into a rather odd relationship: my wife and I still got along fairly well and enjoyed fairly normal sexual relations. We had also mutually accepted that we would each have casual involvements with other partners.

Angela had got to know this lawyer and met up with him from time to time when he was in our home town. one evening she had gone to his apartment for a meal and to spend the evening. As usual she was fairly late getting home and we headed for bed fairly soon after she got home. While we were getting ready for bed I sensed that she was uncomfortable for some reason and seemed reluctant to get undressed.

I was already in bed when she obviously reached a decision and said something along the lines of "there's no way that you won't notice so here goes" while taking off her jeans and panties. She was quite right, there was no way that I could have failed to notice that her bottom was covered with big multi-coloured bruises. She quickly got into bed and I put my arms round her to give her a comforting cuddle while getting her to tell me what had happened.

Apparently, after they'd eaten they were sitting on the couch having a snog and starting to get somewhat turned on. At this point the guy admitted that he felt a really great desire to spank her bottom. I knew from past experience that she was not averse to this so was not surprised when she admitted that she'd told him that she was quite willing for him to go ahead and satisfy his desire.

In the heat of the moment she forgot that she bruised easily and didn't warn him not to be too forceful. Not surprisingly he got rather excited and started to spank her. What she didn't expect was that he would use a slippper and spank her rather hard. They both became very turned on and the spanking soon changed into a seriously frantic fuck ending in mutually satisfying, intense, orgasms. It was a whle before they noticed that her bottom showed clear evidence of the earlier spanking and she realised that she was going to have to tell me all when she got home.

I have to confess that I found this all rather amusing but also somewhat stimulating. I was also pleased to find that the memory of her previous stimulation lingered on and I enjoyed a satisfying sex session which saw her riding me because it pained her to be on her back with me fucking her missionary fashion. It may seem perverted but I really did not see any reason why I should not also get some pleasure from her evening's activities.

Some Early Experiences

The following really are true experiences.

My first "normal" sexual experience with a girl was when I was very young. Visiting friends of my parents I was put to bed with their, slightly older than me, daughter, (Oh! the innocence of parents!) because we were tired but my folks didn't want to leave yet. She wanted to do the usual "show me yours and I'll show you mine" - I reluctantly agreed but didn't really want to play. My first ever sexual experience had been some time earlier when I invented a tickling game with Hugh, a male friend, where the area available for tickling was limited to the area covered by our shorts. As I'd enjoyed being tickled/groped by Hugh, I can only put my reluctance to play the game with Maureen down to fear of discovery as the "tickling" game had been interrrupted by my mother!

When a lad, on holiday with my parents, I was by myself in a cartoon theatre when the man beside me started stroking my thigh. This felt rather nice and I didn't object. He then moved his hand up and started gently squeezing and stroking my "private" bits. As I had been told never to let anyone touch me there I asked him, politely, to stop; even though it felt nice; after a few attempts to persuade me to let him carry on, he stopped and moved away. With twenty-twenty hindsight I'm sorry that I stopped him and wonder if he would have asked me to return the favour and what I'd have got into ... his flies probably!

After another couple of years, I had moved up to a boys only grammar ***** (I'm English BTW so UK readers will know what age I'm talking about and had discovered masturbation while looking at pictures of girls in swimming costumes. One afternoon I was in the home of a friend and we were talking about the Boy Scouts which Brian had joined and I was thinking about joining. I had bought a second-hand copy of "Scouting for Boys" and was telling Brian about a way of rescuing an injured person from a smoke filled building.

The idea was to crouch over the injured party and drag them out on their back. I didn't think I was explaining it very well and offered to show him what I meant. There was nobody else in the apartment. I got Brian to lie down on his back and I knelt down astride him with my knees near his hips. The idea was that he would lock his hands together behind my neck and that I would crawl forward on my hands and knees while he held on tight so that I would slowly drag him along, The idea was that his legs were injured. This worked remarkably well but it did bring his body very close to mine and there was a fair amout of contact between us. I found this somewhat stimulating.

I carried on the demonstration until I got into his bedroom and got his injured body onto his bed. If someone has been in a smoky atmosphere then of course it is desirable to loosen their clothing to help them breathe. Thus, I unbuttoned his shirt and then carried on by unfastening his trousers and easing them and his y-fronts down his thighs. I seemed perfectly natural to then stroke and play with the delights that I had exposed. I could not get him aroused but after a while he asked me if I would show him what I would do if he was a girl!

I'd not a lot of actual experience but had a good theoretical idea from the movies and an inventive imagination! Thus, I kissed him and played with and kissed his nipples. I was kneeling beside his bed but made no move to join him or even to get him to do anything to me. I'd a theoretical idea of male /female sex but nobody had told me of the thngs that male could do to male! Looking back I'm surprised that I didn't ask him to do something about the erection I developed or take myself in hand and show him what I could do. I've often wondered what might have happened if his younger sister had come home while we were involved - perhaps he would have persuaded her to let me demonstrate with her what I'd do with a girlfriend: exciting thought!

It was many years after, that I found out about such things as bi/homosexuality and the fact that most people put themselves into clearly labelled categories. I still think that most of us are "sexual" and that different things and people appeal in different degrees and at different times. I still keep an open mind and grab whatever opportunities are offered without bothering about the gender of the one making the offer.

Wine Bar Afternoon

Wine Bar Afternoon
Some time ago when I rented a small suite of offices, one of the reps that called on us regularly, popped in and suggested that we try out a new wine bar that had recently opened nearby. As usual my secretary, A, came along as well.

Having drunk far more than usual at lunchtime we were feeling very mellow when we got back to the office. Let me explain the layout, there was an outer office/reception area where my secretary operated and an inner office which opened off it where I worked.

Having got a much needed cup of coffee we were all in my office. I don't remember how it happened but we ended up sitting side-by-side with A in the middle and Phil on A's right and me on her left. The chat became rather suggestive as it does after boozing. Pretty soon I am kissing A in a pretty heavy way and hoping that Phil will soon leave so that A and I can get down to something seriously sexy. Phil then makes a mock serious complaint that it's not fair that he is being left out and what about his turn. To my amazement A took him up on this and starts snogging with him. For a while we take it in turns just to snog. After a bit while A and Phil were snogging I decided to join in and groped her left breast. No screams or anything thank goodness. Not long after I've got her buttons undone and Phil and I have a breast each to play with. A is just sitting back and enjoying the attention.

I've just moved on and put my hand on her knee when the phone rings. Guessing that it is a customer that I have been waiting to hear from I take the call. I was right and get out his file and start discussing my proposals. A and Phil go into the outer office and shut the door - I assume that this is because A realises that the call is not one for Phil to overhear.

After I've finished my call, I hear Phil call me from the other room. I open the door and cannot believe my eyes at what I see. First a jumbled pile of clothes and then I see them on the floor behind the counter shagging like mad things. At that time I'd only ever seen porno pictures and movies; cerainly no live shows so this was totally mind-blowing to see people actually shagging on the floor at my feet.

Not wanting to be left out I knelt down beside them and reached between their legs and had a feel around. Phil positioned himself so that I could feel her clit and lips and get a finger into her pussy while he carried on sliding his prick in and out. Although being behind the counter probably meant we were safe from being seen from outside we decided that it would be better to go back into my office.. While I was stripping off they got back down to shagging. feeling very much the spare prick at the party I mainly watched, had a bit of a grope around but mainly sat back where A could see me and slowly wanked myself while enjoying the show. After a while, I asked if I could have a turn and Phil pulled out and I took his place, or rather A's place and a nice warm and wet one it was too.
I encouraged Phil to lie close to us so that A could play with him and keep him turned on. I shagged her for a while and then let Phil get his prick back up her. We must have been going at it for ages and A's cunt was getting a thorough pounding. I was afraid that if we went on for too long she would decide that she had had enough and call a halt.

I hadn't come when I was fucking her before and I now had a raging hard-on that I wanted to get right up her and dump my load. At this point I reminded her that it was OK for me to come up her because I'd had a vasectomy but that she wasn't using any birth control herself. She said that it should be alright but Phil said, "no problem, I'll pull out in good time!". I think this must have turned him on even more because he really started to thrust away furiously. No prick could take that much friction without bursting and sure enough it was no time at all before he started rapid fucking and then suddenly pulled right out and sat back with his prick pumping out great gobs of cum all over the place.

I was between A's thighs and had my prick right up her cunt before he'd finished and it didn't take much frantic fucking before I felt I was going to burst and ramming my prick up as far as it would go dumped a magnificent load as far in as I could. We were very relieved when A's period came on a couple of days later and she very soon got herself on the pill so as not to have to worry on future occasions.

We found out later that Phil and his wife were into wife swapping parties. Phil told us that although she was happy to fuck with lots of men at a party, she would not let anyone but Phil come inside her no matter what she got up to or how many pricks she had up her during a party. I was sorry that I never got the chance to shag her although it would have been ironic justice that I would not have been able to cum in her just as Phil hadn't been able to with my wife A...!

part 3

While I worked on Ann, Jane decided that the time had come to see what was straining my shorts. I definitely did not protest when she put her hand inside my fly and started groping around my prick and balls. Brian and John were the audience for an interesting tableau. Ann was just lying back and really getting into the feelings that my fingers were generating by playing with her pussy lips and stroking all around her pubes. Jane had got both her hands full; one hand was giving me a serious wanking while the other was giving her pussy a determined seeing to. My other hand was up the front of Jane’s tee-shirt fiddling with her surprisingly perky nipples and her little budding breasts. Jane suddenly went manic, grinding away at her pussy as though to punish it while wanking me as though there was a prize for the fastest moving hand. I quickened up on what I was doing to and for Ann.

Obviously this frantic activity could not last for long. With a loud wail of “I’ts happening, it's happening” Jane ground her fingers up her cunt and clamped her thighs together.. She also clamped her hand tightly round my balls and seemed to convince my spunk out of my pulsating prick. God I was in a mess with great gobs of white stuff all over the place. While Jane was savaging my prick I had unconsciously changed my fingers from strokers to a pokers and had driven my middle finger as far into Ann’s cunt as it would go and then furiously finger fucked her.. In the excitement neither she nor I kew if I'd de-flowered her or not.

A muttered “Oh shit” from John brought us back to reality. After Jane’s exploration he had not re-fastened his fly and while he watched we three thrash around in our climax his prick had got hard, poked out of his fly and with no outside assistance shot another load. All Brian could do was watch and look forward to the day when he’d be able to come with the rest of us.

A fundamental change came over us that day. Whatever naive innocence we might have had was gone for ever. We could not undo what we had done and afterwards the guilt laid on us by parents and others hit home. Sadly we came to regret our actions and could never be as relaxed and open with each other as we were before that sand-pit expedition. I became guilt-ridden and secretive about sex but started masturbating regularly. I think I still like jerking-off so much because it is a regression to an escape mechanism. It is also very exciting and satisfying. I love to feel my hard prick in my hand and the feel of my hand sliding up and down my hard-on and squeezing my balls.

Hope you're sharing similar pleasure while reading this.

part 2

The couple we were watching had slowed down a bit. He was lying beside her and while they kissed he was gently stroking her private parts and she was holding and squeezing his hard member. After a while he suddenly rolled over and pressed himself between her thighs. He put his hands under her legs and lifted them so that her thighs fell apart. Next he leaned forward and started thrusting upwards. This looked un-coordinated and didn’t seem to be getting anywhere. Looking back it is pretty obvious that he had not done this very often or maybe never done it before.

After they had both fumbled about for a bit they obviously got his prick into the right position and he was able to press closer. We could not see but he must have achieved some penetration. Suddenly the girl went very tense and held him off. Probably she was a virgin and he had come up against her maidenhead. Something of a tussle took place – she was obviously trying to slow him down or maybe even stop him, whereas he was obviously rampant and randy and wanting to get his prick right up her. Things quietened down for a bit and then we saw his buttocks tense and he gave a determined thrust which clearly buried his prick up to the hilt in her pussy.

He laid still for a moment and then started pumping away energetically. He only managed a few deep thrusts when she convulsed again and pushed him right out of her. He sat back on his heels between her legs and we were treated to the sight of his rampant and twitching prick squirting gushes of white stuff all over her belly and breasts. While this was going on I noticed John twitch and give a low moan. My prick had got very hard and I was secretly rubbing it against the ground underneath me. Ann was looking very uncomfortable and Jane seemed to be lying on her hand. Brian didn’t seem to be re-acting at all There was a very charged atmosphere but we didn’t quite know what to say or do next.

  Jane took control of the situation by saying that she felt very excited by what we had seen and that she bet that us boys all had hard-ons. Making the most of the situation I rolled over on to my back so that the others could see from the bulge in my shorts that I certainly had risen to the occasion. Looking very embarrassed, John was next to turn over and we saw not a bulge but a small damp patch in the front of his shorts. Brian stayed on his front. With brutal directness Jane moved over and without any fuss undid John’s fly and stuck her hand inside. Gleefully she announced that John had come in his pants and that he might have some explaining to do when his mother next did the laundry. I noticed that ever since she had sat up Jane had had a hand near or against her crutch.

Jane next encouraged Ann to see what she could find in Brian’s pants. After much coaxing she got him undone but exposed only a distinctly un-hard and small prick. Then it was Ann’s turn. Jane asked her if she ever rubbed herself “down there”. Ann blushed and said of course not because her mother had told her that it was very wrong to touch her “front bottom”. Jane said that she did it a lot and that it was very nice and that Ann really ought to try it. My hard prick and I were starting to feel left out so I moved over to Ann and “generously” said that I would show her how it felt. So saying, I slipped my hand up the loose leg of her shorts and headed into her panties. She resisted and slapped my hand away, but my hard-on controlled hand was not to be put off and I managed to wriggle my hand inside her panties and on to her smooth pussy. As I started my fingering, her struggles weakened and eventually the pleasure that she was feeling became stronger than her mother’s warnings and she laid back and let me carry on.

based on actual event-part 1

The following events took place around many years ago and give a lie to the oft said “things were much different when I was a boy”. Near where I lived as a boy there were fields and disused gravel and sand pits. These were great playgrounds for adventurous boys and girls. One warm day, the usual mixed gang of seven of us, all aged about a small number ending in 'een , were playing some sort of hiding and stalking game amidst the overgrown heaps of sand and bushes. Suddenly John gestured to us to be quiet and to go over to where he was crouched looking through an extra thick stand of bushes. What was so interesting? When we got together he whispered that if we wanted to see something really special we should carefully peek through the bushes. Peering through we saw a young couple lying in the long grass in an intimate embrace.

Remember if you will that this was not long after WW2, nudity was a definite no-no, nice girls didn’t do anything but kiss and the only “adult” books any of us were ever likely to see were so heavily edited and air-brushed that we had no idea that women had pubic hair or any sort of visible sex organs. The chance of playing peeping Toms and Thomasinas was too good to be true. From where we were we could only tell that it was a man and a woman with somewhat dishevelled clothes but we could see no details. Obviously we now started to stalk with a purpose; fortunately there was good cover from where we were to the clump of trees that our quarry thought was hiding them from unwanted view. The care with which we stalked wild animals was nothing compared with how we now moved.

Eventually we got close enough to see exactly what was going on. Actually we didn’t all make it because Martin and his sister chickened out and left us. At the time we thought that it was because they were afraid but later we found out why the chance of watching other people didn’t interest them, but that’s a different story! So there we were, three lads and two girls watching things develop. The woman’s blouse was undone and her skirt was pushed up to her waist. We watched amazed as four hands stroked and squeezed everything they could reach. There was a growing bulge in the guy’s trousers and her silky french knickers, very daring and very fashionable in those days, looked a bit dark and damp in the crutch. To us watchers the amazing novelty and strangeness of all this seemed to make it happen in slow motion but in reality it must have all been going at a frantic pace. Before long her bra came off and we saw our first real-life tits with very perky nipples. This sure as hell beat looking up pictures of bare-breasted African women in the illustrated encyclopaedias in the library. She then unbuttoned his fly and dragged out a very rampant penis and the girl watchers realised that pictures of Michaelangelo’s statue of David did not tell the full story. Now the woman was lying on her back and we were treated to a show of sexy sucking and squeezing. I’m not sure that we didn’t enjoy it more than them.

Although I’m not usually the sort of bloke who goes to a strip-show and watches the audience I did notice that a change had come over my friends. When we started we all tried to give the impression that this was no big deal and that we were just having a bit of a laugh. We had soon dropped this pretence and started concentrating like mad and trying to fix every new development in our memory banks. Two other things had taken place: we lads had changed position and were no longer crouched up but were lying on our fronts, the girls were looking a bit pink and were breathing more heavily. Presumably the other lads, like me had had erections before but we never talked about such things. Some of us might have had a sneaky play with ourselves. We had no idea that girls got excited in any way because obviously they did not have penises to get hard. We had noticed that they were starting to develop breasts and were less likely to make physical contact during our games.

  •  gaffer40
  • Interessen:
  • Geschlecht
  • Männlich
  • Tätigkeit:
  • Geburtsdatum:
  • Ethnische Zugehörigkeit:
  • Weiß
  • Beziehungsstatus:
  • Sexualität:
  • Bisexuell
  • Raucher/in:
  • Nein
  • Körpergröße:
  • 184 cm 6 ft 0 in
  • Körperart:
  • M
  • Sexuelle Veranlagung:
  • Durchschnitt
  • Ausbildung:
  • Masterabschluss Uni oder Doktorwürde
  • Nationalität:
  • United Kingdom
  • Land:
  • Landes-, Provinz oder der Region:
  • Wohnort:
  • Date abgehalten:
  • 2008-10-29
  • Letzter Besuch:
  • Sie müssen für die Ansicht dieser Information Mitglied sein.
  • Available for Dating:
  • Nein
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