cov12345 blogs


 Looking for some ideas for camming. Usually do the usual, wife wanking but could do with some better suggestions. Do people like cum shots more or foreplay. Let us know or pm us

Pics of wife

 Hello all, have put up some new photos of the wife up. She loves reading the comments you guys make as it really turns her on. Suggestions for future pics would be good and what you would like her to do. I'm hoping for a camming session soon so any words of encouragement for her would be welcome.

Wife pics

Have put some more pics up, please take a look and leave my wife some comments, she loves to read them

Wife pics

Please check out our new pics and send us a pm or leave some comments for future ideas

First video

Have put up our first video. It really turned Mrs Cov on to make it and there is more to come. Please leave us some comments or pm us. Any suggestions for the next video would be welcome

New photos

Hello all, have put up some new photos of the wife up. She loves reading the comments you guys make as it really turns her on. Suggestions for future pics would be good and what you would like her to do. I'm hoping for a video soon so any words of encouragement for her would be welcome

Final Pics

Have put up last 3 pics, once again any comments or private messages would be appreciated

More pctures

I have put some more pictures of my wife up, please could you give some suggestions for the next set, poses or clothes to wear or toys to use


My wife and I would love it if you checked out our photos and gave us some comments and suggestions

  •  cov12345
  • Interessen:
  • Geschlecht
  • Männlich
  • Tätigkeit:
  • Geburtsdatum:
  • Ethnische Zugehörigkeit:
  • Beziehungsstatus:
  • Sexualität:
  • Raucher/in:
  • Körpergröße:
  • Körperart:
  • Sexuelle Veranlagung:
  • Ausbildung:
  • Nationalität:
  • Land:
  • Landes-, Provinz oder der Region:
  • Wohnort:
  • Date abgehalten:
  • 2010-02-12
  • Letzter Besuch:
  • Sie müssen für die Ansicht dieser Information Mitglied sein.
  • Available for Dating:
  • Jah
Keine/n bis jetzt.
  •   803
  •  17/12/13
  •  50%
  •   542
  •  16/12/13
  •  0%
  •   1K
  •  18/07/12
  •  100%
  •   842
  •  18/07/12
  •  100%
  •   855
  •  18/07/12
  •  100%
  •   874
  •  18/07/12
  •  90%
  • fatto
  •   Italia
      54 years old
  • nicenwet4u
  •   Australia
      46 years old
  • alan334455
  •   United Kingdom
      59 years old
  • darkling
  •   United Kingdom
      50 years old
Keine/n bis jetzt.
Niemand bis jetzt.