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Thinkn of dogging in ireland
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Beitrag Thinkn of dogging in ireland 
Mrs and I are giving serious thought to dogging. we live west ireland. we just not 100% sure. does any1 have thoughts on if its a good idea. it does look very horny

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Beitrag Re: Thinkn of dogging in ireland 
[quote="justtrynit"]Mrs and I are giving serious thought to dogging. we live west ireland. we just not 100% sure. does any1 have thoughts on if its a good idea. it does look very horny[/quote]

Just cme upon your post...Mrs and I live in Dublin and like you have often thought of trying it but its a dangerous hear of coupled being assaulted and robbed etc....perhaps its safer in West but lets exchange our opinions on it...God it really turns my woman at the thought but at the end of it worth it?

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Beitrag not sure 
I know it really is a catch 22 situation. she and i up for it but do worry bout all the bad stories. can u imagine how horny it wud be though!!

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