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Dirty Talk
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Beitrag Dirty Talk 
I have found that the best and most effective way for me to get turned on and fuck harder, faster and better is for my partner to talk dirty to me. To tell me what a dirty fucking bitch i am. A whore. To suck his cock and take it deeper into my throat so that i gag. I find though that alot of men don't like to talk like that. Why is that?? Is it that they think they're being disrespectful etc? Personally i love it and if i am spanked a little too and have my hair pulled, well i can cum in no time.............................. tell me your best dirty talk lines

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medusashead hat Folgendes geschrieben:
I have found that the best and most effective way for me to get turned on and fuck harder, faster and better is for my partner to talk dirty to me. To tell me what a dirty fucking bitch i am. A whore. To suck his cock and take it deeper into my throat so that i gag. I find though that alot of men don't like to talk like that. Why is that?? Is it that they think they're being disrespectful etc? Personally i love it and if i am spanked a little too and have my hair pulled, well i can cum in no time.............................. tell me your best dirty talk lines

I'd love to tell you....................just let me know when!

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I love the Dirty talk, but my wife dont. so I whisper to my self all the naughty stuff while im pounding her. dont tell now

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