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Can You Cum Twice With The Same Erection?
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Beitrag Can You Cum Twice With The Same Erection? 
Some of the porn videos I have seen show a guy having two (or more) cumshots without losing his erection. They are frequently show as handjobs or blowjobs. I was just wondering if any of the posters can do this.

I cannot. As you can tell by some of my videos, I can ejaculate, go flaccid, and recover an erection for the next cumshot within a relatively short time, and can have three or more shots a day, which is not too bad, considering that I am 66 years old!

I have tried to continue jacking after a cumshot, but my cock is so sensitive that I just cant seem to keep rubbing it. I would love to be able to do this, and post the video. Does anyone out there have any suggestions?

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I have cum twice with the same erection frequently.

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Beitrag continuous hard=on 
hi all,
my wife was served by an indian bull for some weeks last year and i have watched as he came three times without stopping his fucking rythym............needless to say i resected and admired his prowess.. Cool

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I can cum twice on the same boner but its far from comfortable. Murder on the knob Smile

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yea i did it many times. but i m not smoking and i like eating healty meals. lol also, i m drinking rarely. they re important to do it Wink

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Beitrag The very same... 
Every time I cum I use the same erection...

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Beitrag Re: The very same... 
infid3l hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Every time I cum I use the same erection...

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Beitrag oh yes 
I can make myself shot my load twice in a row,
5-10sec apart and the second one is out of this world

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I stroke my cock just behind the head until I'm about to blow then I take my hand off and the cum juice runs out. I do this about 2-3 times while still hard and then have a big orgasm at the end when I have run out of spunk.

Would like to hear from any bi-guys on lower north shore sydney if you are out there.

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I stroke my cock just behind the head until I'm about to blow then I take my hand off and the cum juice runs out. I do this about 2-3 times while still hard and then have a big orgasm at the end when I have run out of spunk.

Would like to hear from any bi-guys on lower north shore sydney if you are out there.

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Sadly, I cannot join those here saying they can. Once I blow, down I go.

I have a hypothesis as to why this is. Unbeknownst to me, I married into a rather sexless marriage. Moreso, it is adventureless. I think the sexual inactivity leads to one's inability to develop and master control of their sexual pleasure. Or, in more of a layman's terms, you don't totally know how to use 'em or what their full potential could be without "practice."

The adventureless will likely never change for me, and for the talk of changing the frequency, it has been primarily just talk. Religeous values and upbringing do not lend themselves to the consideration of divorce.

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Beitrag Agree but....................... 
Mortification hat Folgendes geschrieben:
yea i did it many times. but i m not smoking and i like eating healty meals. lol also, i m drinking rarely. they re important to do it Wink

Not so sure about several times regarding myself, but it definately helps your libdo

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DetDrIndy hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Sadly, I cannot join those here saying they can. Once I blow, down I go.

Aww bless.

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[quote="wetchick"][quote="DetDrIndy"]Sadly, I cannot join those here saying they can. Once I blow, down I go.[/quote]

Aww bless.[/quote]

That is my story too, but I'm damn impressed that jsutton911
says that he can unload 3 times a day at 66. Hell of a trick. To what do you attribute your sucess?

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Beitrag 3 Times in One Day 
I can cum three times in one day...sometimes twice in 45 minutes, and I am 66. Part of the reason is that I can cum without a rock hard erection...actually, the days of rock hard erections are long gone!

Also, I concentrate on the underside of my cock head, where I am most sensitive, rather than a fist fuck.

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