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Your Adult Vid/Stills: Free, Confidential Service, UK, South
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Beitrag Your Adult Vid/Stills: Free, Confidential Service, UK, South 
Hi there,

If you're reading this you're already interested in adult stills & videos and you may have already shot some at home? They may have been a bit disappointing; it's not easy getting good results especially of the two of you together. Have you thought of having someone not involved doing the picture-taking? You'll get much better results. Or maybe you're a husband/bf who likes the idea of another man photographing your lady in private. (If you're turned on by that thought you know what I mean.) Or maybe your just a couple who'd like some high quality intimate photographs & video taken. Why not take advantage of the nice weather and shoot your stills or video outdoors for that extra frisson.

I'm a keen amateur photographer with a superb Canon 6D camera that you can use your own SD card in. Or I'm happy to use your camera(s) if you prefer. Either way you will have no worries about your privacy. I won't ask you for copies. I'm well mannered and won't expect or ask you to join in (you can ask me though. . . ;-). No fees. Discretion and sensitivity assured.

I'm not going to engage in an explicit email exchange so please don't try. Sorry - blame the time-wasters. Also, I'm attached so if this is a problem for you please don't reply.

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