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Stolen/Reposted vids
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Beitrag Stolen/Reposted vids 
So our vids have been stolen from here and reposted on other sites. The Administraters need to tighten up security.
Guess we should pull all our vids down.. :x

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Please report which websited you have found your videos re-published. We have implemented code to make screen capture more difficult but it is not impossible.

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Beitrag stolen vids 
I did report it in a email to the "contact us" link.

The site is at (that's our vid) (one of them that was stolen from here by a guy named WOOXX.

I've got pm'd that i'm not the only onr this guy has fucked over.

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WOOX has already been banned from yuvutu, probably when you sent us the email.

I have written to xhamster asking to remove the video or face legal action. I have also written to the person behind wooxx to cease such activity. I suggest you contact him also. You can find contact details here:

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Thankyou! It's nice to see someone try to help.

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I have just received an email from xhamster and they have deleted the video

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[quote="admin"]I have just received an email from xhamster and they have deleted the video[/quote]

They have deleted one video....Two were stolen from here (that I know of)
Here is the url of the other one:
if you could help get this one taken off the site that would be great. I seem to be able to get nowhere with these assholes.

Thanks very much again for your assistance in this. I don't think anything would have gotten done without your assistance.

As soon as I figure out how to tag vids with my email addy maybe we'll start putting vids up again.

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I have requested that one be removed too

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We just got confirmation that the second video has been removed. Please let us know if there's anything else and we'll take care of it.

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[quote="admin"]We just got confirmation that the second video has been removed. Please let us know if there's anything else and we'll take care of it.[/quote]

Thanks for the help admin. You've done a great job!
As soon as I figure out how to tag my vids with a copyright watermark we'll post them.

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