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What Makes A Perfect Video
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Beitrag What Makes A Perfect Video 
My wife loves to fuck and I love to video tape her having fun so we definitely have a good thing going here. We are quickly adding to our posts.

She does not feel comfortable posting her face but beyond that we are open to post anything.
What is the best length for a video?
She's a screamer...should I lower the video volume when she is screaming?
Do you like stripping, sucking and fucking all in one video or should I start right in with hard core fucking?
Any other suggestions would be appreciated. BTW, I just upgrade my cam so the picture quality should get better

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We also love to make vids together. We think about 5 mins is ideal, with varied action and camera angles. We like the undressing and build-up of action. And we both love to end with a nice messy cumshot, whether we're filming or watching.

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I don't like convinced cumshots, and definitely not really a fan of going from straight sex into a blowjob to finish it off , but I do rather enjoy creampie shots though. I think 5 minutes is a good length, no more than 10 minutes. Building up of action is also nice, but how you start that off is entirely up to the videomakers. :-)

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I realize that this is an older thread, but it caught my eye so I figure I'd respond.

Like switch_cpl, my wife and I don't like to show our faces too. That said, I have to admit that it's much more exciting when I see people's faces in the videos. I also commend their bravery.

Here are a few characteristics of a good video:

1. Good lighting - especially on the genitals. It's irritating to see legs and bodies and a dark void in the middle. I like to see the action - good penetration.
2. Framing the shot well. Too close isn't a turn-on. Too far away is also not a turn on. Somewhere in the middle, showing the bodies of the people enjoying each other with an occassional close up is great.
3. Voices, moaning and screaming is good. Too much TV or a very loud soundtrack are distracting.
4. People who show that they love having sex. Enthusiasm is a big plus.
5. Good camera work. The bad part about the popularity of small, lightweight cameras is that people swing them around way too much. Use a tripod, or if it's handheld, make a concerted effort to keep the camera still.

I'll post more if anything more comes to mind. BTW, loved your videos!

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