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Thong Fetish
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Beitrag Thong Fetish 
In the last couple of years I have noticed thongs popping out girls pants wherever you looked and that really excites me. There was this one girl at work, Caren who drives me nuts. Coincidently I knew her brother pretty as we were at high ***** together. Caren was outgoing and was beautiful and I usually could see a good ***** tail popping out of her jeans.
One day I was at her home hanging out with her brother (they lived together). I had to go the bathroom so I went up stairs. Caren was not in, so I couldn’t resist going into her room. I looked through her drawers and found her thong drawer. My god did she have a lot of thongs so I went through them and found my favorite and took it with me to the bathroom. In the bathroom, I found her clothes basket. I dug in and found some dirty thongs and took a couple of them and tried them on and beat off in them and finally blew my load.

A coulple of months later, I got another chance to look in her room. There were thongs spread all over the place. Not being able to control myself I started smelling them. She walked in on me and I guess this turned her on. Because the next thing I knew she was turning up some music and giving me a little dance in each thong and I was turned on because I got to change her thongs for her. I got to see her beautiful pussy again and again until I just had to eat her out. I picked her up and set her down on her bed and ate that pussy out. She orgasmed and she started yelling “fuck me fuck me”. I did’nt hesitate and slipped it in her beautiful shaved pussy. She was amazing in the bed, as we fucked in so many positions I couldn't remember and then we fucked in the shower, on the step, on the couch and this went on for over 3 hours. We still fuck steadily to this day she wears a beautiful purple thong and lets it slip out of her jeans when she needs a good fuck just to let me know.

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