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Comments: "reply" feature would be nice
Would you like to be able to reply to a comment on your page in the same box?

Love that idea 90% 90% ( 18 )
Waste of time 10% 10% ( 2 )

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Beitrag Comments: "reply" feature would be nice 
kinda like a mini chat, all inside one comment box, would allow for easier give-and-take on a member page

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That is a great idea Very Happy some times it takes to long to get to the person who posted a comment so it would be nice to be able to respond from your own comments

Good idea Mulch, send it to admin via the feedback...

Hugs Exy

I am back to pervette ;)
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Really like this one too, it would make things a little more intimate for the comments which could be nice ..........sometimes lol.

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something in the form of a threaded view would be perfect

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