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London Couple looking for Cam2Cam fun and Email Fun
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Beitrag London Couple looking for Cam2Cam fun and Email Fun 
Well, we're new to this so bear with us while we find our feet... but we're a London-ish based couple in a stable relationship. We're looking to be watched and to watch .. not to share. That means NO we dont want to meet up... no matter how much you ask ! So its strictly email and MSN/Yahoo (we have both!) ..

We have a webcam, photos and may have some videos if the more shy half of us will allow Smile

As its only online based, its not important that you are local or anything... but we ask that you are respectful of limits that we may have due to this being new to us.

Female: 26yr old, bisexual
Male: 24yrs old, straight

Female is curvy so you gotta be interested in ladies who aren't stick insects! Smile

Well, hope to hear from you soon

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Would be lovely so how about posting some pictures on your profiel?

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