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Camera technique
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Beitrag Camera technique 
I've just posted a vid with some between-the-legs shooting but can't keep the thing steady. Any tips out there?

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Beitrag You got the right idea... 
The camera movement you're trying for is the right idea. Slowly moving camera helps keep the image interesting with the continuing change and perspective.

Unfortunately trying to record yourself hand held like that will always look shakey. Set up a tripod or set the cam down on something, frame your shot and let it roll, then edit in as a cut scene is just about the easiest way to add in that shot.

I've attached a long bungy cord to the bottom of the cam and the other end to something solid/stationary to add resistance and smooth out the camera movement. You can even stand on the other end. It's an old photography trick (rope) to stablize the camera.

The only other thing you could try is adding a camera handle, something like this would help steady the cam some:

Any technique or stablizer you use takes practice...

Best of luck!

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Beitrag well, 
Thanks infid3l, for the input. Sounds like I really need another person to run the camera Laughing

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