Die Suche hat 80 Ergebnisse ergeben.
Autor Nachricht
BeitragForum: Announcements   Verfasst am: 2011-04-09 22:56:09   Titel: Really?

Hello dirty fucks...>>

Who's down for some chat fun?
BeitragForum: Announcements   Verfasst am: 2010-12-29 17:19:22   Titel: Really?

I really shouldn't have said the site . I was referring to the chat room's.. So I apologies for that.

We are kind of newbies with chat room's so thank you for clearing that up wetchick..lol

BeitragForum: Announcements   Verfasst am: 2010-10-28 04:40:28   Titel: Some good times

Lamento que no supiéramos más español sólo para ser capaces de ponernos junto con unas otras personas atractivas... Hope U dos hace bien y le echamos de menos realmente tipos muchísimo..

Miss a fe ...
BeitragForum: Announcements   Verfasst am: 2010-10-25 03:09:14   Titel: Some good times

We were just talking about how much fun chat used to be.. Where have all the good times gone?
BeitragForum: Announcements   Verfasst am: 2010-06-22 20:54:13   Titel: Missing in action

Hi there to all our friends

Where did everybody go?
BeitragForum: Feedback & Help   Verfasst am: 2010-01-29 20:02:33   Titel: Access to videos, pics,profiles,etc.

Well one of the vids are gone but the other two are still on the sites OC..
BeitragForum: Feedback & Help   Verfasst am: 2010-01-28 17:45:56   Titel: 1/28/2010

We have found more of our videos that have been stolen from here and posted on other sites. So until this place finds a way to lock them down we will not be uploading anymore here.
BeitragForum: Feedback & Help   Verfasst am: 2010-01-21 02:03:40   Titel: Access to videos, pics,profiles,etc.

So has the owners of this site made mention that they were going to try and help the people out that upload there materiel?
BeitragForum: Feedback & Help   Verfasst am: 2010-01-20 20:09:35   Titel: Re: U.S. Forum

How about a forum for U.S. members?

We totally agree..
BeitragForum: Announcements   Verfasst am: 2010-01-11 01:53:08   Titel: Hey there

Was great to spend a little time yesterday in chat with ya Billy. Hope you two hang around.\
Good chatting with you to bro
Just like an obsession all over again I tell ya.... Razz
BeitragForum: Announcements   Verfasst am: 2010-01-09 03:09:40   Titel: Re: Yeah!

The hottest couple has returned! Those videos! Mmm! Yeah! Twisted Evil Mwahhh

TY so much U two....
BeitragForum: Feedback & Help   Verfasst am: 2010-01-08 21:50:46   Titel: Access to videos, pics,profiles,etc.

Well let the games begin ...
Just started posting vids here as of yesterday and I already have received messages
that they have seen our vids on other sites..

I would hate to delete them but ...
BeitragForum: Feedback & Help   Verfasst am: 2010-01-08 16:31:39   Titel: Access to videos, pics,profiles,etc.

Great idea.. I wonder what the chances of getting the owner to actually do something like .
BeitragForum: Feedback & Help   Verfasst am: 2010-01-07 19:56:44   Titel: What does Yuvutu think of stolen videos?

I'll add........

Simon (admin) has helped us numerous times in getting our vids pulled off of other sites after being stolen. It's truly an issue not taken lightly here.

Just wish there was some ...
BeitragForum: Announcements   Verfasst am: 2010-01-07 19:46:06   Titel: Re: Since I am in here Happy New decade Billy and Mel

I figure since I am here I would wish you all the health and happiness in the new decade you two. Don't be strangers in YUVU chat either you know we all miss you. Well... we miss Mel... and you just c ...
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