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Video Length
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Beitrag Video Length 
I was hoping you guys would be able to set up a feature so that you can search for videos by the length. 0-30 sec. 1-2 min. 2-3 min. ETC.. It just seems that there is so many videos that are less than a minute.

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Beitrag search by length 
We will put it on the list

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That would be most helpful, but I would go as far as to suggest that there be no videos under one minute allowed. All the short ones do is clutter up the board, and should be immediately deleted.

Who can be that starved for porn that they can justify entertaining a 15s clip of some chick sucking some guy's dick?

You have a very nice board here, and with just a little more moderation, (and the return of the full-screen option), it could be perfect!

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