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Me and a few girlfriends are looking for requests
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Beitrag Me and a few girlfriends are looking for requests 
You ask and we will photo and video

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I have what you may consider an odd request. I want to ask a couple of questions bout a website that has XXX stories (all text) about almost every sexual activity you can think of. The thing is, it seems quite popular here in the states, but I have noticed that it is 97% British. You can tell by the way so many words are spelled . . . While is Whilst, and the u is added to words like color. For one thing, it never occurred to me that Brits had such active sex lives and imaginations. The section of this side dealing with ***** is quite large. Lots of mom/son and grandma/grandson sex, as well as daddy/daughter sex. The site is called literotica. I guess one of my questions is, is that a Brit site, or does it just have a lot of submissions from Britain?

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Beitrag Re: Me and a few girlfriends are looking for requests 
thebeast666 hat Folgendes geschrieben:
You ask and we will photo and video

Pm me gère or kik C.O.P.P.P.P or Wickr ccoopppp

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