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Blog comments out of order
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Beitrag Blog comments out of order 
Not a complaint so much as reporting a curious bug. I've noticed on some blogs that the comments are out of order. I would think that you would want them in sequence of oldest first by date and then time. I've seen it in my in particular that sometimes you will have older comments in the middle of newer comments, or the newest comment appearing first.

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We'll look into it

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Xtian is right. That happens a lot. Just never thought to bring it your attention.

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This is being fixed

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Hey just noticed, looks like you fixed it! :-) Although, I kinda prefer them to be in chronological order (oldest to newest) rather than reverse chronological order (newest to oldest).

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Thank's admin! :) xxxx They have been fixed.

Flash me your ink and I shall flash you my tits!
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