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Stolen vid...
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Beitrag Stolen vid... 
Just found part of my vid elsewhere....

Zuletzt bearbeitet von justjelly am 2008-02-12 08:45:03, insgesamt 2-mal bearbeitet
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Send a message now Jelly..I will do the same right now.

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I have sent a complaint to the admin on that site myself.... telling them it is MY video that has been stolen from a different site, Hopefully they will remove it.

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[quote="JellyBrenda"]I have sent a complaint to the admin on that site myself.... telling them it is MY video that has been stolen from a different site, Hopefully they will remove it.[/quote]

I did the same thing..
Hun you need to start putting a water mark on your vids. So far it seems the the vids that are being stolen are the ones without it,unless they record it from web chat.
The only vids that Wetpus have had stolen were the ones without the water mark and remember Ohio_Couple had the same problem and since they have been water marking them they have been fine.

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how afflictive Sad

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Beitrag still not been removed 
Hi Admin,

Just updating to say my video has still not been removed from the site i linked in my post.


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BUMP!! Wink

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When you ban someone think of it?????????? how computer literate are they, and what vengeance can they exact?? never underestimate a troll ,they can come back to haunt you jason springs to mind.

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Watermarking only advertises your email does not constitute a worldwide have to prove you never posted it

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[quote="trustinme"]Watermarking only advertises your email does not constitute a worldwide have to prove you never posted it[/quote]

Then what would you suggests to the people that do post vids?

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trustinme hat Folgendes geschrieben:
When you ban someone think of it?????????? how computer literate are they, and what vengeance can they exact?? never underestimate a troll ,they can come back to haunt you jason springs to mind.

I had never even run into jason when I found the vid......... that kinda rules him out.

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[quote="trustinme"]Watermarking only advertises your email does not constitute a worldwide have to prove you never posted it[/quote]

In most parts of the world, copyright is automatically assumed and granted to the individual who created the work. You do you have to prove that you never posted it on the Internet or approved it for any sort of distribution. In most parts of the world, merely making a claim to the copyright of a work and insisting that it be removed is enough to have it removed, some places may ask you to show your proof of copyright, but most places are very hospitable towards copyright holders who make claims if simply for the fact that it is trivial for anybody to post anything without verification of copyright to begin with. Copyrighted works on the Internet is still a very fast and loose business.

You do not need to use your e-mail address for a watermark. The purpose of the watermark is to simply make viewers aware of where the work originated from. You can use a signature, a personalized image, just about anything as long as you are consistant with its usage.

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This is not most parts of the world, this is the internet,where copyright infringement is rife,so whose gonna get the lawyers then???????????????

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Beitrag ..... 
I didn't make this thread to start a debate on copy write infringement,just trying to make admin aware my video being stolen.

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[quote="trustinme"]This is not most parts of the world, this is the internet,where copyright infringement is rife,so whose gonna get the lawyers then???????????????[/quote]

Thankfully, most of the time, lawyers are not required. I've been around that bend many a time helping to defend the copyrights of some of my clients. A simple complaint normally aleviates the issue, if that doesn't work then a strongly worded letter is pretty effective. Having engaged in it for several years now, I've only had to threaten to contact a lawyer once. The copyright infringement may indeed be rife, but most of the time the pendulum will swing back your way just as fast.

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