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Orgasm troubles...
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Beitrag Orgasm troubles... 
It's really hard for me to get an orgasm... I wonder if someone have some advice.
I can come if I'm fingering myself while having sex, or anal sex, but most of the time it just doesn't work.
I still love sex even if I don't come, but it's just nicer when I do.

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My Mrs has trouble sometimes, she had an operation years ago and that buggered things up abit, try sitting on his cock and ride really hard pushung your pubic bone hard and riding to and fourth, give it a go.

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That would be my suggestion. Cowgirl lets you control depth and speed. My sweetie likes the friction where it counts the most.

Does one position work better than others?

How about oral?

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Beitrag Practice Practice Practice 
Lots of women can only cum with stimulation on their clitoris. Since you mention that you can cum by fingering yourself, I assume you can have a vaginal orgasm - which is great.

Have you tried rubbing your clit? If rubbing doesn't work - try a vibrator - or there's water - from the tub faucet or a jacuzzi. Practice on your own a lot.

Then if you want to get your partner in on the practice - have him (I'm assuming here) use one finger and find your G spot which is not very far inside and on the front wall of your vagina. If he does a "come here" movement with his finger, it will feel really intense. If you feel as if you are going to pee, don't worry. (It's a good idea to make sure by doing that beforehand), let loose, and sometimes you have to bear down. It is worth the effort. But from your post, I think you may have experienced this. :-)

It's also important to have the right mood set. If there are small people banging on the door, that won't help at all. You need quiet time, by yourself. Read a sexy novel or watch some porn. Some porn is good - and if you search for what you want on sites like Yuvu, you can watch exactly what you like and that will help you get off.

Good luck and keep trying. Dont' focus on the orgasm, just on how good it feels, and you'll relax, which will help.

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Beitrag Pleasure 
Sex/Masturbationis a sport, it has to be played until the end-orgasm. Many persons like to play t for long duration for the sake of pleasure they derive either by masturbation or by cohabitation, the duration is more important for deriving pleasure than the end result. Many guys withdraw mentally when they reach orgasm so that they can redo it again. Similarly many women get multiple orgasms to seek more pleasure. you have to decide each time whether you want quick orgasm or slow orgasm over longer time.By practice you can perfect the skill.

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Beitrag consider 
Consider using a vibrator while engaged in intercourse. Hope you find your way to the goal--although sex, as in life, is more a process than not.

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Have you tried using a vibrator on your clit while having sex. I find some girls can only come this way. Also have him give you lots of foreplay

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Beitrag Orgasm from intercourse 
Some early research found that whether women easily
get orgasms from intercourse is a function of the distance from the clitoris to the vaginal opening, which can vary a lot, like the size of a man's cock.

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Just close your eyes and think the most nasty things that puts you hot with no hesitation. This may not be the only way, but it is the best solution.

Imagination. Brain.

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