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Vidoes stolen from here & posted on
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We could always scream YUVUTU during the movies to make it hard for them o fob of else where

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The problem is people just don't care where vids come from. You can see websites full of copyrighted material, with tons of vids with other sites' watermarks, and viewers (and admins) just don't care.

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I browse and often come across videos that I have previously seen uploaded here.

The videos are hosted by, and

biamyinmd and kim_babe69 seem particularly popular.
I may also have seen one from maxther that was recorded before she started showing her face, but I can't be certain because she's taken her videos down (where's she gone anyway?).

But saying that, I've also seen videos that I had previously seen posted on, for example, that people have passed off as their own.

All my infatuations, they never made it past
The internet or a night that you'll regret
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If you see a video on another site that you know, or think you know, has been posted to Yuvutu, feel free to drop the Admin a note on that via the Feedback link. They can contact the owners of the video here and verify if they uploaded them, they can also contact other sites on behalf of video owners here and have them taken down if they are not legitimate.

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Probably let the owner know too.

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Beitrag stolen videos 
i finally got the nerve to post some videos of the ex and i with his cosent and someone flagged them as stolen from call-kelly and that a bunch of bull crap

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bluefirebaby your videos have been re-instated and an apologetic email was sent to you. I hope you are ok now.

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there is always a risk to once a video is uploaded to Internet, it will be tanken and publiced in other pages.

The watermarks are useful to recognize the origin of the post, and a hide face could be nice if you want to avoid been recognized.

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Beitrag Ban user Nic4!!! 
Pls check user nic4. This dude stole various videos. None of "his" videos is made by him. For example the vid called "otra fiesta" belongs to a well known argentine swinger couple ( Other example: "anal y sufrimiento" belongs to valeria y fabian
Please ban him!
Ty LyC

Sorry for my poor english!

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Beitrag Giving someone a "heads-up" got me banned!. 
I was in the chatroom recently and a person mentioned that they were worried that thier videos may have been posted on another website.
I asked them if it was on ************ website. Suddenly I was muted- then banned for breaking the rules, presumably by a the moderator. (This was even after I said the other website was crap!).
Maybe he/she thought I was spamming for another website?.
Pretty heavy-handed considering the subject being discussed!.

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Beitrag Re: Giving someone a "heads-up" got me banned!. 
[quote="electra59"]I was in the chatroom recently and a person mentioned that they were worried that thier videos may have been posted on another website.
I asked them if it was on ************ website. Suddenly I was muted- then banned for breaking the rules, presumably by a the moderator. (This was even after I said the other website was crap!).
Maybe he/she thought I was spamming for another website?.
Pretty heavy-handed considering the subject being discussed!.[/quote]

If that is the case Id suggest contacting admin to get the ban lifted, speaking from experience its difficult sometimes as a user to keep up with chat never mind being a mod.

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electra59, sorry to hear that. you have been unbanned from the chatroom.

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Recently a user here tried to post one of my videos here on this very site. I let admin know and they handled it great. But that lead me to search other sites for our videos and found a few on different amateur sites. One video in paticular was uploaded to redtube and can be found on numerous sites with the redtube title and redtube logo on the video. Just try a google search for something as general as "girly licking lollipop" the number one result is my video along with most of the other results. Its upsetting and frustrating and might prevent us from uploading more. But it is a chance you take anytime you upload a video.

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Beitrag The Posters 
I found that Videoguy, Funguy, and Dangerous is posting content on Phuc and Cuckoldspace that was taken from here. None of them have a completed profile and they all joined in 2007.

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Beitrag 1/28/2010 
We have found more of our videos that have been stolen from here and posted on other sites. So until this place finds a way to lock them down we will not be uploading anymore here.

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