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my missus
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Beitrag my missus 
hey just wondering wot ppl think of our vids/pics? ive asked for comments but havent really had many! prob not a good sign....

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Beitrag Re: my missus 
adonis221 hat Folgendes geschrieben:
hey just wondering wot ppl think of our vids/pics? ive asked for comments but havent really had many! prob not a good sign....

In order to get comments you have to post one first...

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Beitrag must hav a prob 
there are no vids or pics on ur profile

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Yeah man cant see any to comment on

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Adonis, I think the primary reason that there are so few comments is because it takes an added effort to do it. First one has to consider what they might say -- of course they want their comments to be interesting, or at the very least, articulate. Then there is the actual writing of the comments. So, if I were you I wouldn't take the absence of comments as a person indication of they/we feel about your post.

Personally, I thought it was great!


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