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Certified members
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Beitrag Certified members 
Maybe I watch too much porn, but I see a lot if videos posted on YuVuTu which the poster claims is his video that I have seen elsewhere on some other hosting website. Some of them may be the posters' own videos, but I doubt very many of them are. The way I see it, it's sort of opposite to the problem of people's videos being copied from YuVuTu and then posted elsewhere.

What is YuVuTu becoming? A general hosting website for amateur porn or a site for people to upload their own videos?

How about introducing certified members or a certified members section for posters who prove that they are genuine? How they do this could be, for example, having YuVuTu written on their body or on a piece of paper that they hold up. Of course, they would only need to do in one video. Maybe becoming a certified member could be encouraged in some way, such as by giving them a big shiny icon next to their videos, having a certified members film section or giving them access to some special section on the website, such as private chat rooms.

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Thers quit a few posters who also come in the chat room and cam. Those are all genuine.

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The problem with such a system is that I can one time submit a video with "yuvutu" written in it, get "certified", then start uploading all the unauthorized content that I want. What is the consequence for me uploading unauthorized content?

Another problem is that many of those videos that you see here as well as elsewhere, actually ARE uploaded by the original creator or somebody authorized to redistribute them. Yuvutu is a popular site and people like to get as much attention as possible.

If you suspect that a video has been uploaded here without authorization from the copyright holder, you're free to flag it, and the Admin team will review it. The more information that you can provide, such as a URL for where else it might be posted, the better. It never hurts to have a second review, and legitimate authorized uploaders will be able to provide sufficient proof.


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To answer the original question: we want yuvutu to be a "site for people to upload their own videos". We do not want people posting videos they have stolen from elsewhere

We have looked at the certification idea before and we like it but there are complications as Kyxtian points out.

The yuvutu index can be used as a measure of genuineness (ie certification), because it is very hard to get a high yuvutu index without someone flagging that the videos are stolen. If we discover someone has posted stolen videos, we ban them.

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[quote="admin"]To answer the original question: we want yuvutu to be a "site for people to upload their own videos". We do not want people posting videos they have stolen from elsewhere

We have looked at the certification idea before and we like it but there are complications as Kyxtian points out.

The yuvutu index can be used as a measure of genuineness (ie certification), because it is very hard to get a high yuvutu index without someone flagging that the videos are stolen. If we discover someone has posted stolen videos, we ban them.[/quote]

Is it a basic ban, or is it IP ban?

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