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Looking for loud girls...
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Beitrag Looking for loud girls... 
Does anyone know of any good vids featuring very vocal girls? I am very vocal myself - moaning, dirty talk, swearing, everything Embarassed - and I'd love to see if there are other girls like me.

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Sorry I don't know of any on this site who are loud, but if you look up Mika Tan, she is almost always screaming. Very hot BTW. Good luck on your search.

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Beitrag Ummmm... 
I get pretty loud.

If you check out our vids, my more recent one with the big anthro dragon dildo, and the one with the wire whisk were pretty loud I think. There might be others there too, Embarassed .

Don't know why it's embarassing, but it kinda is. Really was into it though so, oh, well.

xxx - Kristina

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