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Full Screen
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Beitrag Full Screen 
Hello Everyone, I'm new to Yuvutu, but would just like to say that it's my favorite amateur site so far.

I do have a quick question, though. I can't seem to get the full-screen icon to work. Is this feature available?

Many thanks to all of you who send in videos...amateur is definitely where it's at!

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Beitrag full screen 
when i first joined this site i was able to view in fullscreen. then one day the feature was gone. I really wish they would put the fullscreen feature back in.

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Beitrag full screen and original size 
full screen doesn't work for me either.

didn't want to start another thread so i'll use this one if thats okay.

aswell as the full screen feature, would it be possible to have a "reduced screen" feature of the videos original size - similar to youtube? I think some videos quality is poor because it was filmed at a smaller resolution than the standard video display on the site. By having the option to see the video at the original size i assume you could see the video in better quality? I'd sometimes prefer to see the original video at a smaller size but in good quality than a large grainy and poor quality version.


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Same 4 me

Tried Firefox and IE Explorer, and it doesnt work... i think it would be great!

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Beitrag Full screen is not working yet 
But we hope to introduce it in September

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It's September now... are you adding "full screen" feature??

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Beitrag RE: fullscreen 
I believe you can get fullscreen as a benefir of being a premium yuvutu member. You get this membership either by paying or by having videos of your own viewed by at least 100,000 people.

We know this because just passed 100,000 views, and found that our fullscreen button now works. Which is way cool. So bottom line, either make some vids and hope people watch em and like em, or pony up some money.

BTW, if you want to see any of our videos, just look for our profile by searching for peedee. Or search for the term "wifey", as in missus peedee, who is smokin' hot!


the peedees

PS If you like our videos, please leave us nice comments. And be sure to tell your friends!

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Beitrag peedee is right 
If your cumulative count of video views for all your qualifying videos is greater than 100 000, you get fullscreen plus other premium features such as playlists and power search.

Qualifying videos must be:
- rated at 3 stars or more
- non-Pro
- not duplicated
- your own copyright
- less than 6 months old

Alternatively you can pay a small fee to get the premium features. Click on "subscribe" for more details

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Beitrag Re: peedee is right 
[quote="admin"]If your cumulative count of video views for all your qualifying videos is greater than 100 000, you get fullscreen plus other premium features such as playlists and power search.

Qualifying videos must be:
- rated at 3 stars or more
- non-Pro
- not duplicated
- your own copyright
- less than 6 months old

Alternatively you can pay a small fee to get the premium features. Click on "subscribe" for more details[/quote]

Just a couple of points - does that mean people who just post pro videos which undoubtedly get viewed more than say cockshot videos will have more chance of reaching the 100,000 figure? Similarly, as with all sites, more women's videos get viewed than mens, so again men who post cockshot videos are penalised because less people watch their videos. Would it be worth considering a change in the number of cumlative views based on what type of videos you are posting? e.g. 30,000 views for cockshot/gay vids because they have less viewers always and 100,000 for pro vids and other categories somewhere bewteen? let us know ur thoughts, thanks

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Beitrag hmm 
Pro videos do not get counted at all.

Cock shot videos count as much as straight videos. The whole point is to measure the popularity of videos.

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