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us and them culture
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Beitrag us and them culture 
Does anyone else agree that you dont get noticed or have a chance to talk with anyone unless you have been on this site for a long time. The regulars only seem to talk to each other and never entertain new members. It so frustrating when you have something to share but no one even acknowledges your there. Maybe there should be a room for new members only and then we might have a chance to enjoy this site as much as the others do .

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I chat to new members all the time. but I actually love the idea of a new member room where newbies could go and get their feet wet and have questions answered. It would not have to be open all the time - maybe once a week or once a month for a set time. I'd be happy to moderate in there during it's open time. Until then, stop by Straight English and give a shout out :)

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Beitrag yes lisa 
I agree with lisa, I usally welcome and answer q's from any new members when i am in. I will keep an eye out for you m8, happy chatting

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i always thought the lobby was a good place to start on any web site if your new. Problem on this site is the lobbys in the basement. maybe move the lobby to were it should be. To the top of the rooms a meet and greet and advice stop in before you get flung to the wolves in the bigger rooms... Oh gribbo im afraid that most get caught up in there convos with others that most dont see a small hello or bye, but its a good chat community. P.s. bring the trolls repellant with you lol :P

Zuletzt bearbeitet von blackvelvet80 am 2010-11-27 10:30:10, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet
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BV's post says it all. Wink

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Ya just have to jump into the convo bro. I normally go out of my way to welcome newbies. I know it can be tuff. Especially if the room is packed with people.

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Thanks for the feedback guys as I said before it would be good for a newbie room or even maybe an icon next to your name so people know your a new. The main problem I find is that regular members talk to each other and only each other, and it takes a radical statment from anyone new to get a reaction.

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I love the idea of an icon next to a newbies name!!

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