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Did I miss something?
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Recently, the forums are locked down heavily, and I see no admin posts about it. What's up with that?

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I was wondering the same thing, I am new here I paid my subs for a year and made myself available for dating (as require in one of the forum banners) expecting to be able to post in the forums only to find most of the forum locked with access only for administrators :?: :?

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what are the forums you can not get to ???

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[quote="truday"]what are the forums you can not get to ???[/quote] All the Personals

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hmmmi can get in them all soz ...

er try top right ... feedback .....

its your link to admin ....

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The forum you mentioned has been locked down as mentioned in the top banner "Personals - THIS SECTION IS NOW FROZEN- PLEASE CHANGE YOUR PROFILE SETTINGS TO ACCEPT DATING IF YOU" . The personals was removed because there is the dating tab at the top now ( purple button) it does the same thing as the personal section in forums. The stories section was moved to the blogs for the same reason "Stories - THIS SECTION IS NOW FROZEN - PLEASE USE THE BLOG PAGES INSTEAD". Hope this helps. If you still have complaints use the feedback button at the top of the page.


I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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