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whats with the quicktime balony
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Beitrag whats with the quicktime balony 
hi folks...loved the site until everything got sqitched to Quicktime...It's so tempermental half the vids dont work... please change back to win media...

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Beitrag It's not Quicktime 
It's Adobe Flash, and it sucks more!

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Beitrag Re: It's not Quicktime 
Anonymous hat Folgendes geschrieben:
It's Adobe Flash, and it sucks more!

what the f***..... they change the program and now I cant see anything....change back to WM!!!

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Beitrag quicktime 
quicktime sucks, doesn't work,,,,,,,,go back to winmedia,,,,,,,,,,or better yet i guess i'll find another site to go to, and there are two others like this

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WM would rock i hate this vid player.

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Try using the back and foward buttons on your keyboard. When a video does not play, I will use the back button and then the foward button. Works every time. Don't use the back and foward buttons on the browser or mouse.

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