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Getting told off
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Beitrag Getting told off 
Firstly I would like to say what a great site this is. My main point I would to discuss is `conflict limitation tactics`. As you may be aware I have been on the recieving end of some `none called for` attention from a small number of MODS, mainly through them mis reading my answers to wisps from other peeps in her. Whilst my answers to the wisps may look a little arsh..[as i dont tend to wisp bk i do it in the room].. thats between me and that persons [unless they complain] of which hasnt happened. The main point i wish to raise and suggest a resolution.

When a person gets told not to do `A B or C by a mod...which maybe required, what you get is other members jumping on the band wagon to vilify the accused person...this mainly comes about because the mod has told them off in not a wisp....this give others the chance to join in the case. Suggestion: May be it would be a good idea if the mods only tell people off with wisps/pvt messages..that way no one else knows the person/mod are having a discussion...that way others are not likely to inflame the matter [which on the whole usually are minor offences] but do get people upset wen others join summarise....i feel mods should enforce the rules in pvt..[and i do strongly agree with rules]..

Just a thought


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Hi BBW1, I have do not think I have seen you much but, when I'm in a room and see a rule broken 9 times out of 10 I always whisper the first warning be it for directing or a language infraction. After my first warning i give the rest in the room. If it looks like there is a personal issue between 2 chatters i warn both in the room to iggy each other or both could be removed from the room for disrupting it.
Giving all warnings in whispers makes sense but, should a mod warn someone 3 times in whispers and they keep it up those actions and then the mod kick's them out, that person could turn around and send a message in the feedback stating they where kicked out for no reason and the room history would reflect that because it was all in whispers.
If others are jumping on the band wagon if someone has been acting up I believe it's up to the mod or mods in the room to tell the other chatters to chill and let the mods deal with the issue and if they are having issues with the actions of those they can always use there ignore button so they do not have to see it .
Just my 10 cents worth have a good day :)


I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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Beitrag Conflict limitation... 
Hi Sax,

Its not because of past minor issues i haven been in much, real life brings its own for the rtn mssage...good points..have a great wekend..xx BBW1.

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Beitrag .... 
Hi BBW1, good point you have brought to our attention, I would like to add that there is no actual rule book on how we give people warnings, personally I myself warn in private first, unless of course it's an habitual rule breaker who should know better but thinking about it, if all mods whispered a warning first then none of us will know if that warning has gone out by another first and then you could end up with several warnings, doing it in the room allows us to see who and how many warnings a person has received before they get booted.

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