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Who looked at your account
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Beitrag Who looked at your account 
It will be cool to know who looked at your member profile!!

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good idea like the sound of that

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Beitrag Re: Who looked at your account 
rafa3766 hat Folgendes geschrieben:
It will be cool to know who looked at your member profile!!

no thankyou, that would make me paranoid if I knew someone kept looking at my profile - stalker alert for little Miss Paranoid here!

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Beitrag Who viewed your submissions 
This would be a good idea

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*Sweeps the dirt out of the way...*
Well i would like this feature too, and it could be toggled on or off, like most of other things in the Account control panels.
This way, Miss Paranoid up there could keep it off and sleep soundly.

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I'd quite like it too... had it on my previous site... was useful

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Beitrag view 
oh like to know who has been spying lol

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This is very similar to an earlier post by Alpine which I thought was a pretty good idea, including it into the profiles would be great.

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I could go for that! I'm not paranoid, but would *welcome* a stalker alert!

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