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Bi Room
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Beitrag Bi Room 
Can we not have a separate room for the Bisexual members?

We seem to, in the English Straight room, to be getting an overload of bisexual females in the past few months ... maybe they don't feel comfortable with being amalgamated with the TS and TV and may feel more at home in an exclusively Bi room?

Or am I the only one tired of all the girl on girl action taking over the room? If so.. I will shut the fuck up and just put them on Ignore when they start LMFAO


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Beitrag I agree 

I agree there should be such a room. Bi does not fit in with TVs I do not think.

I am not into girl on girl action, nor boy on boy for that matter.

However, I have not seen much here.

I still prefer JS on Sweet action and vice versa.

I miss your pics.


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Hahahah JS you are incorrigible !!!


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i agree with this 100 % ........ straight means straight not fukin girls pleasing each other ...... or men pleasin men makes me cringeeeeee .... please make a bi room b4 i vomit over my screen and ruin my lappy Sad

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I tend to agree with Sweet there are enough rooms for everyone's different sexual preferences. The straight room is just that straight non-directing and English spoken only (different rooms have been made for a reason and SE is one of those requested by the users). I'm afraid you will have those who will be offended and consider you to be a homophob or anti gay or anti bi if you do not let them............... new bi only room would be good idea. As for mods in the room I would whisper those who are doing it to take it to whispers or to go private or another room .................. if they raise hell about it then enforce the rules as they fit the situation, I would hope there would not be any push back if asking nicely to take it someplace else or to make it private. My 2 cents worth and no I'm not a homophob and i care less what someone else's sexual orientation is.


I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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Beitrag hehehe 
mrs_kycin_returns hat Folgendes geschrieben:
i agree with this 100 % ........ straight means straight not fukin girls pleasing each other ...... or men pleasin men makes me cringeeeeee .... please make a bi room b4 i vomit over my screen and ruin my lappy Sad

quit moaning woman and give me a kiss xxxxxxxxx

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Beitrag hehehe 
mrs_kycin_returns hat Folgendes geschrieben:
i agree with this 100 % ........ straight means straight not fukin girls pleasing each other ...... or men pleasin men makes me cringeeeeee .... please make a bi room b4 i vomit over my screen and ruin my lappy Sad

quit moaning woman and give me a kiss xxxxxxxxx

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Beitrag Re: hehehe 
[/quote]quit moaning woman and give me a kiss xxxxxxxxx[/quote]


I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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Same here Sax ... I am just tired of them taking over the room.

I know they laugh at me cos I am so straight.. but it just does nothing for me... and I know I am not alone

I just think maybe being grouped with the TV/S, they don't feel comfy going in there... I don't really know


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The Bi room right now is just filled with guys with overrun sex drives. Even if they came in (sic) I wouldn't doubt they'd be bombarded by boxes. The English room does a good job curbing that.

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Maybe a Svedish B-Ikea room...............yah yah

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