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"Follow" Button in Profile
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Beitrag "Follow" Button in Profile 
How to delete the "following" of Members?
Pressing "Follow" Button (left to Members name) add Member in "Timeline (Chronik)". But How to delete somebody from this List? Pressing the Button of the Member again, causes a window with no message inside (at least in german website), only "OK" Button... A "don't follow anymore" is missing.

Help would be nice...


I found the way to delete... Members > Friends&Followers > Follower > there is hidden the "Unfollow" link...
very complicated...

Zuletzt bearbeitet von jancux69 am 2012-09-22 00:13:56, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet
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Click on "Members" tab .. then click on "Friends & Followers" sub-tab, there you will see the list of users you follow when you click on "Following" >> There is a "unfollow" action for each user.

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Thanks Glory-Fr,
I just found it by myself, and was editing the Message at more or less the same time you wrote the answer...


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Beitrag Re: "Follow" Button in Profile 
jancux69 hat Folgendes geschrieben:
I found the way to delete... Members > Friends&Followers > Following > there is hidden the "Unfollow" link...
very complicated...

so, it seems it is not very complicated... Smile

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