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need older men to fuck my wife we live in ohio
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Beitrag need older men to fuck my wife we live in ohio 
contact me if you would like to fuck and suck my wife we live in northeastern ohio

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Beitrag interested in ct 
I would love to do that, but I live in CT...maybe we can comunicate via e-mail and talk about what you would like to have done to your wife...I'm 51

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Damn ... northeast Ohio is a bit too far for me. I am the mature man you are looking for, but I'm in San Bernardino, CA. If you ever get out this way, get in touch so that I can "get in touch" with your gorgeous wife. I can tell she needs a good fucking, and I'm just the guy to do it.

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i wil surely fuck ur wife if il get there! And she will be damn satisfied!

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Beitrag Need more information about, or photo of, your wife, please. 
Need more information about, or photo of, your wife, please.

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I live in ne ohio. probably no old enough for you (3Cool, but i think your wife is pretty hot and would love to have some fun.

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Beitrag Older guy here in Northern Ohio 
Hello. I'm an older guy and I live in Northern Ohio. Check out my profile and get back to me. I'd love to hear more about how we can get together :-)

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Beitrag your wife 
Be happy to fuck her.

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