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Squirting milf!
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When i was 17 i was seduced by my best friends mother! She was 40 at the time and was a very sexy woman, i always lusted after her and had many a session wanking my young cock over her lol, little did i know it would become a reality. It was a hot summers day, she always wore little shorts and bikini tops around the house, i would sit watching her as i was talking to my mate. She always had erect nipples, and it was very obvious they were huge too from the bullets i saw everytime she entered the room and she also seemed aware of me looking at them because whenever we were alone for a few minutes she would mention it being chilly and make a point of looking at her tits and grinning so i knew she was teasing me, but i enjoyed it so i was happy enough Wink
One hot afternoon i popped round to see my mate, who was watching a movie in his room, i shouted up that i was gonna read the paper and i would be up afterwards, and before long his mum walked in, shorts, bikini top, bullet nipples drilling holes in it, and asked if i wanted a cuppa! As she stood at the sink i went for it, i walked up behind her and kissed her neck, instead of pulling away to my delight she took my hands and put them to her tits, whispering that we must not make any noise she then pulled her top down and out sprung the most amazing tits i had seen, lovely tanned tits, huge thick brown nipples, she turned around and pulled my head into them, i sucked and licked each one, i couldnt believe this was happening with my mate just upstairs, people walking past her kitchen window yards from us!
Thinking it couldnt get any better, she began to pull my shorts down, my cock jumped free and she began slowly wanking me off, i took a chance and rubbed her pussy thru her shorts, and then slipped my hand up the leg, no knickers....and soaking, hairy too which suprised me as i imagined her being shaven, but i didnt care, i slipped 2 fingers easily into her hot pussy and began fingerfucking her hard and fast, she was sucking my neck to stop herself making a noise but i had passed caring now, i was lost in the moment lol, her cunt was dripping juice, never in my young life had i felt a wet pussy like this, and as she came she gushed all down her legs, soaking my hand and arm, pools of her cum were around our feet, i was fucking gobsmacked by it, it was by far the sexiest thing i had ever seen, i even tasted my fingers and it was amazing, sweet juice, we cleaned ourselves up and had that cuppa lol, needless to say we repeated this many many times over the next 12 years or so, we fucked everywhere, she covered me in her juices every moment we could but work commitments took her to the other end of the country and we were convinced to stop! But that was me hooked on squirting women lol, and im happy to say ive had many since, i love it lol Wink

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Lucky you ! Thks god, you have memory of these adventures !

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....only few people can apreciate how much exciting squirt is....i'm very lucky man, my girl squirts a lot and she goes crazy when it happens Razz ....i ask her to do it over's a real fever for me Very Happy

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