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Blogs agreement ?
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Beitrag Blogs agreement ? 
There are some complaints about pics/vids in blogs that are annoying for some users. They think the blogs are for writing and not for something else, so they ask for the removing of the pics/vids feature.
I know the admin team doesn't want to remove the pics/vids feature in blogs because this feature is there by popular demand.
So, let me suggest something that can probably satisfy demanders and complainers.

Can you allow only those who have written a minimum of 50 / 100 / 255 characters(for examples) to have the ability to post pics/vids in their blogs?
Because it's annoying when pics/vids are posted without any text.
When the blogs session has been created , It was a writing place .. and the text needs to stay a priority.

The pics/vids feature is there to illustrate a text.. My suggestion is simple "Not writing a text with a minimum of 50 / 100 / 255 characters = users have not the possibility to post pics/vids"

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Beitrag good idea 
i think this makes sense..

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Minimum 250 characters (anything less is too short), no vids and only one picture.

With rare exception the pics and vids are only ways for posters to advertise what they have posted on their profiles to boost their views/index (IMHO).

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Yeah Lisa, I've read the last blogs .. indeed, the minimun of 255 characters seems to be better.
I can't believe that all the complainers/demanders don't have their word to say or an opinion on this subject.
I've had probably a bad idea or suggestion.........

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It's not a bad suggestion at all Glory.

I was wondering the same thing about those who complain about the blog section. Come on people - let's hear your opinions!!!

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have given mine time and time again on this .................... i think just a new blog that does not allow pictures or vids would fix let those use the old one like it is, post what ever to it ....................... it's junk the way it is now anyways leave it that way make a new NON PICTURE, VIDEO blog !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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I'm with all of you on this matter. It is very annoying to wade through half a page of sometimes very graphic pics in order to read blogs, just to then see those same pictures posted in the pics category. I thought that's why there was a video category, a picture category and a blog keep them all separate from each other. You certainly can't post a video in the picture category, or a blog in the video category, so why should you be allowed to post pictures and videos in the blog category. Keep it separate. When I want to see pictures or watch videos, I'll go to the appropriate tab and do so. I don't need them shoved in my face. I will never watch a video in the blog section, nor will I comment on any blog that has pictures or videos attached to them.

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We didn't realize our blog posts were bothering anyone. We post GIFs there because they won't animate in the picture section.

Anyway, sorry for mucking things up.

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It's not just you MrandMrsB. I don't blame the individuals, I blame the system.

I agree the blog page should have a text-only preview of just a few paragraphs. No photos, no videos. Leave those to the blog post itself and let users discover them. It's difficult to discover new content from everybody when the preview page is drowning in photos and videos that we can already see from the videos and photos tab.

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Beitrag Blogs agreement ? 
The problem is not the pictures per say. The problem is the display. Most of the popular blogs carry pics, but what's annoying is in the blogs over here is that there is no defined template at the admin level for blogs. Blogs have to be of certain length (that can be defined by consensus), if the words warp the text then it would far more pleasing to the eye in terms of uniformity, and the most irritating thing about the present blogs is that the moment you put the cursor on the pic an expanded form appears, and that too in a very bad position between the browser bar and the floating bar at the bottom.

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I have to admit that this "issue" makes us smile. We are here just to have fun. Defining blog posts here seems a little over the top. Aren't we all just here to perv? In any event, if Admin changes the rules, we are cool with that. But if pics are still allowed by Admin after the discussion here, we would really like to keep posting GIFs here.

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Many are here to perv and there are tabs for perving on the site such as "videos" and "photos." I think there are quite a few who are so into wanting to be seen and wanting to be commented on with regard to how they look, that they seek affirmation on any venue possible, including the blog. But I could be wrong.

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Well we plead guilty as charged. Exhibitionists crave attention by definition.

Is that a bad thing for an amateur porno site or is it the site's life-blood?



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Not a bad thing when posted under the videos tab and/or photos tab.

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[quote="lori_anne"]Not a bad thing when posted under the videos tab and/or photos tab.[/quote]

As mentioned by someone else in this thread, I guess it comes down to how Admin views what is appropriate in blogs.

I realize that Wiki is not the Gospel, but this entry confirms what I have experienced when I have viewed blogs on the web: . Words, pictures and videos all have a place in blogs.

I read you blog entries after I saw your most recent post here. You are a wonderful writer. However one could argue that GIFs of sexual activity (which will not animate elsewhere on this site) are more appropriate for a porno blog than your submissions.

Please understand that I think both porno pix/gifs/vids and your type of entry should be welcome here--I am not suggesting that you should stop posting. I am just asking that we all accept creativity in whatever form it takes.

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