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Have you ever seen someone you know?
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Beitrag Have you ever seen someone you know? 
Have you ever seen someone you know on Yuvu or other adult sites? Like gone, shit that's my neighbour/sister/boss !! ??
Did you tell them you saw them or did you keep it secret?

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Beitrag Recognition 
I haven't seen anyone I recognise, but I'm almost certain I was recognised on another site, which is why I'm very wary about going on cam. I had some pictures on another site and browsing one day saw a new arrival from my area, with some very anonymous sort of pictures, so I sent a 'welcome' message. Next day I saw that she had checked my profile and had removed herself from the site. I just thought she had got cold feet when contacted, but then a female colleague started getting a bit 'closer' than usual, and then started asking me (quite subtle at first) about swinging, dogging, adult sites etc. I just acted all ignorant, cracked on that I thought she was a bit of a perv, and think I might have got away with it, although these conversations did change our relationship, to the extent that she could have proved that the pictures were of me. Anyway, no harm done, in fact - quite a good result :wink: .Of course, might not have been so good if she had been my boss.

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I have seen one woman who I knew but not really well. I met her in the super market and no word of a lie we had eye contact and both became instantly aware of how we knew each other. I still see her on the sites. She's a mature lady with a nice profile.

I always thing so what if they see me then finie, what were they doing there as well.

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I am a tranny but I am a bit secretive. Work as a guy then spend a lot of time on weekends and evenings in fem mode. Two different guys I knew from my guy side of things actually contacted me from the net not knowing they knew me!

One of whom was married and supposely straight. I know his wife too! Was really tempted to mess with his mind abit but I just moved on for fear of being found out.

Back when I was a str8 guy and married my ex and I took naughty pics in the early days of the internet. Not really thinking about it we posted them mainly on private swinger sites. To this day I still will from time to time stubble over one of those pics!! A year or so ago I actually saw a vid of my ex wife on a a site just like this one. Vid is like 10 years old but still floating around.

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Not yet but I hope to spot someone I know someday. I think that would be exciting!

I just hope no one every figures out who we are... Embarassed

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i agree with nthstd...they'll have a hard time calling me out if that means they were on here too...I've thought about it alot, our town isn't THAT big. But, thinking about repercussions if, say, your boss sees you for example. In my particular case, if I cared what people saw, I shouldn't be posting.

I'm a very open-minded and kinky gal in an open relationship. I have nothing to hide. If my boss saw me and had the audacity to say anything (not likely considering the business I'm in), the worst-case scenario is that he could theoretically decide to find other reasons to fire me. Now, considering my boss, I'd be willing to bet that it would end far differently...maybe more fun! Coworkers? Most already know im a freaky girl on other levels...I feel like this wouldn't be a surprise. Shit, I'll put it out there - If you see me, and u know me, DISCREETLY say hello! It's nice to meet folks with common kinks...


Hahahaha....I wonder how many hellos I'll get now? I got the most "I KNOW WHERE I SAW YOU" stare ever the other day. I smiled. He laughed a bit. Nothing wrong with that, IMHO...

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Yes and it was a big shock, she is a relative and unknown to me was using my computer when I was out, she has since been banned off yuvutu.

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Wow a relative! Why was she banned?

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I see a lady I know from another site, we see eachother in town quite regular either shopping or drinking. I just smile and wink, she smiles back and we carry on as normal.
She know's, that I know I've seen her on this certain site. Not a word has been spoken between us, just a plesant nod and "yes" one night I'll have to ask her back... She's a right horny bitch and I just know she'd be up for it.

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infid3l hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Wow a relative! Why was she banned?

She was under 21.

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Saw a vid of a VERY sexy woman who I work with. Sent her the link by text message and now the vid is gone! Not posted by her, but by a 'friend'. It's pretty cool to see her every day and know what she looks like naked. Shocked

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LOL, no! And that's a good thing because I'd probably experience hysterical blindness if I did. I would NEVER show my face in a vid for that very reason. I'm not at all keen on the idea of a friend/family member/coworker seeing me! Or me seeing them, for that matter. Not my thing at all.

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Yes i was noticed on a site before by a guy i know years and his girlfriend. It was on a swinger site and i was using my cam in the chatroom and he sent me a message asking what the hell i was doing showing my face Very Happy They live across the road from me and would see them regular enough so it was a red face moment. They asked would i like to have a 3some with them sometime but i dont really fancy her and its hard to say that in a nice way Very Happy

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Yes, right here! (Well, her pic at least.) Ex gf.

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i love all these replies

keep em coming!

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