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It feels soooooo great!
I usually cum and squirt with no problem, you can see it in my vids. Just try, a big orgasm can do it all!
Good luck!

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I have made my gf squirt a few times and its always in the missionary position im guessing its a good angle for my dick to rub her g-spot

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I've never been able to cum during penetration, only with clitoral stimulation, although I do get incredibly wet. I squirted recently for the first time with a new partner - first time it happened I was standing up and it wasn't really a strong squirt, but the second time I was lying down on my back and it was all over his arm, chest and face!

Was a fantastic sensation, I can't seem to do it myself though. However, I'm finding the sensation during penetration is much stronger and I'm hoping with more practice I might be able to cum - and squirt - while he's inside me.

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