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Vidoes stolen from here & posted on
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The following is a copy of a post on another thread elsewhere in the forum but is relevant to this thread too:

There are a number of accusations and views that have been stated in this forum post and in related emails to admin which I feel are inaccurate and/or unfair and I would like to address them one by one:

“yuvutu owners cant seem to see past the $$$$$ sign”

yuvutu finances is largely a confidential matter but I can report that we are focussed on keeping afloat as to date yuvutu has generated a cumulative loss. There is increased competition every day and we are convinced to plow back money into advertising to maintain traffic levels. The yuvutu team is stretched and we work very long hours to keep yuvutu going which is why we may seem unresponsive at times.

“yuvutu admin don’t care about stolen videos”

Nothing could be further from the truth. Stolen videos are a disaster for us: they benefit our competitors and they anger our uploaders who we view as vital members of the community. Stronger competition means we have to spend more money on advertising. The stolen video problem is threat to the viability of yuvutu, but is is not the only threat we face.

“yuvutu admin has done nothing about stolen videos”

We have repeatedly tried to address this problem.
- Over two years ago, we implemented software to block video capturing but that became soon outdated as unscrupulous individuals found ways of bypassing our block - it is clear to us that we will never be able to stop video capture completely (nor will anyone else).
- We implemented watermarking to reduce piracy: this we think worked as it led to a noticeable reduction, but obviously not complete elimination.
- We always try to get stolen videos removed from other sites when they come to our attention.

“yuvutu admin is currently doing nothing about stolen videos”

We have a number of options on the drawing board that we are examining (see “what yuvutu proposes to do below). We are unable to implement a solution immediately for several reasons: 1 We need to finetune our proposed solution, 2 we are shortstaffed as mentioned earlier, 3 we are about to launch a range of new features which is our current development priority. We are probably 2 or 3 months away from implementation of a potential solution(s).

“We want to maximise the number of videos on yuvutu”

Actually that is not true. What we really want to do, from the point of view of user satisfaction and revenue, is to maximise the number of video VIEWS and not the number of videos. It is better to have one video viewed a billion times than a billion videos that are never viewed.

Furthermore we don’t necessarily agree with the argument that limiting who can view videos to friends only will increase the number of videos uploads. It may do so in the short term, but in the longer term we believe it will reduce total number of views which will reduce repeat traffic which in turn will reduce new traffic and therefore end up reducing the number of uploads. We don’t think limiting views to friends only is the best solution to the problem of stolen videos.

“You are wasting your time making uploads non downloadable”
If the uploader chooses to make his video “non downloadable” that means the video thief is only able to capture the lower quality flash version instead of the original. Only a minority number of people know how to capture a flash video. Hence if you are worried about the video being copied and reposted, it is worthwhile making is “non downloadble” as this will reduce the probability of theft and the quality of the stolen product.

“Limiting who can view to friends only will stop my video from being stolen”

That may be true if you have two or three trusted friends, but even good friends occasionally fall out, and what is the point of posting videos on a website if only 2 or 3 people can view the video? If you have a hundred or more friends then you are exposed to theft again.

Our main reason for not introducing the “friends only” option is that we fear Paed0philes will start uploading videos and create paed0 rings, safe from ever being reported by the general public. We do pre-screen videos, but there is always the possibility of a video getting through that net and the consequences are unbearable to imagine.

“We need a technical solution to blocking video theft”

If videos can be viewed on a computer then they can be captured - Period. Whatever software you develop to prevent a capture, someone out there will quickly develop software to bypass it. Even if it could be done, which it can’t, there is nothing that can be done about the individual who points his video camera at his computer screen and captures a video that way.

“There is safe site where videos will not be stolen”

There is mention of a “safe site” on this thread. I don’t know which site is being referred to so I can only speculate as to what makes it “safe”. It is either because it allows the uploader to limit views to friends only, or simply because it has much lower traffic and therefore the probability of getting stolen is lower. I have covered the friends only above. A site with zero traffic will be the safest, but surely there is no point to uploading to that? Simply said there is no site out there where your videos can be viewed and are safe from piracy.

“I will never upload a video to yuvutu again”
It always saddens me when I hear that. If that is your view then you should never upload a video to the internet again because this is an internet wide problem. In the hope I can change your mind, I suggest that you watermark your videos to lower the probability of theft, and that you do not show your face in the video (or any other recognisable asset!), wear a mask for example.


So far we are researching into doing two things:

A) Have an option for uploaders to reduce the number of people viewing videos (although we do not believe this is the solution to the problem we are looking for a compromise solution to make the advocates of “friends only” happy)

B) Better tracking of who is responsible for copying a video which is subsequently posted to another site

A) Option for limiting who can view video

We brainstormed different groups of people we could allow the uploader to limit viewing to, and came up with arguments against each option, as follows:
1. Friends only / Problem: we fear the creation of paed0phile rings (even though we screen all videos)
2. Subscribers only (paid and free) / Problem: that will create a link between revenue and content. For legal reasons we cannot have revenue generated by exclusive content.
3. yuvutu index >100 000 / Problem: paid subscribers will feel discriminated against
4. uploader's countrymen / Problem: probably not restrictive enough. Paed0s could pick obscure countries to create their rings
5. registered users / Problem: probably not restrictive enough and therefore defeats the purpose
None of the above are entirely satisfactory however we are looking at a combination of ideas to reach the best compromise.

B) Better tracking of who steals videos

If we can track who actually stole and reposted a video then we can ban that person from yuvutu and threaten them with legal action. Over time this will reduce the problem but it will never eliminate it

In conclusion I want to assure all uploaders concerned with the problem of theft and reposting that we take this problem VERY seriously and have given it a lot of thought and effort over the last 3 years and we will continue to do so, but having wrestled with it all this time, we know that it is not an easy problem to crack and there are no easy solutions.

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Admin, thanks for the efforts and access to an extraordinary site.

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