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divide forums into geographic areas
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Beitrag divide forums into geographic areas 
If you're actually going to meet someone through the forums, you're going to have to live near each other. Why not break down the forums into countries / states first, and then list the existing categories. Nothing more frustrating than reading a two hundred tag lines, to find only 10 you're interested in, and then only one of those is within a thousand miles!

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Hey Chubluv....

That is not completely true... I met bmw325i on here and he lives in England... I used to live in Sweden, but since I met him I moved to England to live with him Very Happy But I can see what you mean and it might be a good idea for Admin to think about... I know he's got tons off stuff on the wishlist so it might take some time to make it happen..

Hugs Exy

I am back to pervette ;)
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Beitrag At least, EUROPE 
Very good ideia! One wants to meet other persons with the same tastes, and if possible, on their own nation.

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Mixed thoughts on this one :D It could be a good idea, if you only wanted to shop local so to speak lol, but in all honesty I love the diversity offered by YVT and I love being able to chat with so many different people from different countries and ways of life!

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